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This paper discusses the impact of motivation on the employees and the way in which it develops their attitude with regards to commitment and performance at work. Relevant theories have been used that describe what the theorists think about the issue. It is important to analyze the impact of motivation on the employees. This is because of the reason that commitment, and performance of the employees is dependent on their level of motivation. Motivation plays a crucial role in determining the success of the organizations. Therefore, the management has to ensure that the employees hired by the company are motivated and work willingly. This is important because only the motivated employees can keep the employees happy. However, there are different kinds of organizations that opt for different tools of motivation to keep their employees motivated. The two types of rewards that can be given to employees are monetary and non-monetary. However, to determine the distribution of the rewards, the company has to evaluate the performance of the employees. Therefore, performance appraisal should be conducted without any biases (Rose 2008, pp. 8).

Some of the common issues of motivation that exist between all the organizations include self-confidence, personal and health problems and area of interest. If an individual is not much confident about the work he is assigned to, his performance will be affected negatively. Since this individual is not trained according to the work he has been assigned, the level of motivation will reduce. Similarly, when the work is assigned to employees is not according to their interest, they do not perform well. With reference to the skills and capabilities of an individual, the tasks should be assigned. Some other problems include health and personal problems that also affect motivation. Other issues that persist in organizations include lack of recognition, poor salaries and unfavourable work environment. For the females, it can be discrimination and sexual harassment at work. Moreover, there are also many companies that involve biases when the performances of the employees are being evaluated. More promotions are also offered to the males than to the females. This is the reason why most of the companies have only men who work at the most strategic positions. All these are the common issues that employees at workplace experience. Therefore, it is essential to implement the motivational theories in the organizations in order ensure organizational success (Northouse 2009, pp. 100).

Theoretical Background

Literature Review

According to a survey which was conducted in 1998, it was revealed that employees who received recognition awards affected them. These rewards positively affected the perception of the recognition program as well as the organization as a whole. From the 33,774 US and Canadian employees, it was revealed that 97% of the employees felt acknowledged when they received an unprecedented award presentation while 39% of the employees felt acknowledged when they received an inadequate award presentation (Ivancevich,, pp. 100). It had also been noted that commitment of 93% of the employees was built towards the organization when they received an ...
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