Montessori Philosophy

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Montessori Philosophy

Montessori Philosophy


The environment of a classroom serves as a motivational factor for the students. Motivation is a major aspect which influences the interest of the students. The way in which a classroom is organized and designed, also makes an impact on the students. A classroom can become a very cheerful and fun place to be if it is managed correctly. Maria Montessori describes the psychic development of the child as "creation", "construction" due to the activity exerted by the subject on the environment. The child is described as "spiritual embryo" to emphasize that nothing is already preformed in him, but there are potential (nebula), which can only develop from the assimilating the information needed for the construction of psychological functions. The Montessori calls "absorbent mind" this tendency of the child in the early years of unconscious absorption data of its environment, emphasizing the specificity of children's mental processes than those of adults.

Maria Montessori's Theory

The discovery of the child is a summary and culmination of the writings in which Maria Montessori outlined his method of teaching based on the creative work which is called the teacher. The book follows the psychological development of the child when, after the secret labor of learning the language, turns to the world around him, until the years of teaching elementary school. Stressing the continuing interaction between the perceptions of the child, his acts and the mind that acquires, shows the Montessori material and its use in practical exercises and sensory.

The central idea of the Montessori pedagogy is to recognize the child's creative energies and moral character that the adult has been compressed within them, making them inactive, hence the tendency to suppress the adult child and force him from an early age to the rhythms of life unnatural. Characteristic of the Montessori school is an environment tailor-made baby, even in details of the furniture, and the use of appropriate materials development. It 's more important to educate the senses first and then the intellect of the child. Maria Montessori developed the material with which children could learn to read and write only with the help of the senses. The child must have the freedom to choose what they want to do. A necessary condition is an environment prepared for him, games and enough adults to help him

Discipline and Obedience

"There are several forms of discipline but discipline usually is a behaviour human, which is behaviour as a kind of freedom that governs certain laws or rules in a way. In a school discipline can be expressed as a behaviour in which the student is governed by the laws of respect towards the teacher and peers and the classroom."

Taking into consideration the above stated in the texts we have, as an abstract discipline in the course is the way in which the student in some way "delivery" respect for the teacher and peers, but more is given to the teacher if and that discipline makes the entire course and therefore we have that indiscipline is ...
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