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Monitoring Strategy For Trichloroethylene & Acetone

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Monitoring Strategy For Trichloroethylene & Acetone

Monitoring Strategy For Trichloroethylene & Acetone

1-Options Available For Monitoring Equipment

Conventional dry cleaning fluids contain highly toxic chemicals including tetrochloroethylene (perchloroethylene), a carcinogen, central nervous system toxicant, and respiratory irritant, naphthalene, a suspected carcinogen and reproductive toxin, toluene which may cause damage to a developing fetus and is neurotoxic, and xylene, a neurotoxin. Acetone - A neurotoxin, acetone may cause liver and kidney damage, and damage to the developing fetus. It is a skin and eye irritant. Found in spot treatment cleaners, mark and scuff removers, and other products. They also contain benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene, all of which are carcinogenic(Harrison , 2002, 671-9). Many of these substances are also known to cause liver and kidney damage.

Today, most people are accustomed to buying a wide range of products custom-designed for the many surfaces, materials and rooms in their homes. Acetone is a synthetic compound that also occurs naturally in the environment. It is a colorless liquid with a smell and taste to distinguish. It evaporates easily, is flammable and is soluble in water. Also known as dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone and beta-cetopropano. Acetone is used in the manufacture of plastics, fibers, drugs and other chemicals. Also used to dissolve other chemicals(CH, 2008, 441). It occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gases, forest fires, and as a degradation product of body fat. It is also present in the exhaust gases of cars, smoke snuff and landfills. Industrial processes contribute a greater amount of acetone to the environment than natural processes.

Most cleaning chores can be easily handled without these toxic products. Everyday ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil, soap, borax, hydrogen peroxide and washing soda can do the job as they did in olden days. Consumer demand and recognition of the hazards of many chemical ingredients are leading more companies to manufacture less toxic cleaning products.

The ingredients contained in conventional petrochemical-based cleaning products are not usually listed on labels. Many, but not all, less-toxic products will have ingredients listed on their labels(Sakai , 1996 , 119-37). Trichloroethylene and Acetone mainly affects the central nervous system (the brain), causing headache, nausea, dizziness, clumsiness, drowsiness, and other effects like those of being drunk. Trichloroethylene and Acetone can also damage the facial nerves, and it can cause skin rash. Heavy exposure can damage the liver and kidneys. Trichloroethylene and Acetone causes cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans.

Trichloroethylene and Acetone is sometimes called by other names, such as trichloroethene, ethylene trichloride, or ethinyl trichloride. It is sold under many different brand names, such as Tri-Clene, Trielene, Trilene, Trichloran, Trichloren, Algylen, Trimar, Triline, Tri, Trethylene, Westrosol, Chlorylen, Gemalgene, and Germalgene(Hughes , 2011, 281-91). Trichloroethylene and Acetone looks like water and has a sweet odor like chloroform. It is mainly used in metal degreasing. It is also used as a raw material to make other chemicals, as a cleaner in electronics manufacturing, and for all sorts of general solvent purposes such ...
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