Small and very small businesses are a major issue in terms of development economic and job creation. The Human Resource Management is to acquire the workforce, to integrate the company and ensure its efficiency. HRM covers therefore, beyond the mandatory administrative issues related to employment of employees, common platform for all companies, notions and functions related to recruitment, training, motivation and retention, communication, and management skills. The company is a social unit, a group of individuals united under a market economy to make a profit. Very small businesses are defined by European micro-enterprises employing less than 10 employees and its turnover not exceeding EUR 10 million. Small businesses (PE) employ 10 to 50 employees (Wright, 2001).
Human Resource Management
The term human resources, employee in large enterprises, is not suited to the environment TPE, their leaders speak more readily of human relationships. Indeed, recent, within the meaning relationships are very important in these societies because the larger the company smaller and the atmosphere and labor relations can have serious implications on climate and the production of goods and services Company. The head of TPE has not the appropriate organization that could allow him to take an informed case, decisions regarding HRM. It often takes one human heavy responsibilities.
Even in case of overload of activities, he manages on his own. It is he who does the recruitment, salaries, bonuses, benefits and training. It operates in emergency and short term. Therefore, it does not feel the need to explain its procedures or formalize the process that would allow it to delegate tasks. However, it has often use his accountant to advise him because he is very knowledgeable in his field. In Indeed, in small structures, the use of a new employee represents a cost, a real investment that involves the sustainability of the company. The accountant seems to be best able to assess the appropriateness of the cost. The absence of formal rules, procedures or standards may lead to malfunction. If the intuitive strategy of TPE is often a factor of flexibility and adaptability, it can however blunt the effectiveness of organizational members who, once their number is approaching the ten, need structure more solid. Because it is the only caring for the HRM, the leader may face different problems in this area.
HRM is here more a matter of interpersonal relations tools management themselves. The small business owner is responsible for economic responsibility for the destiny of people around them every day and he knows the family very often, unlike the leaders' large companies. In case of overload of work, the leaders are doing TPE generally using members of their family or their friends (Ordiz, 2002).
Currently, HRM is rather complex since it includes several tasks, from simple management administrative, recruitment, through working conditions. As a result, she took a important in large companies that are organized and structured to meet its multifaceted. Meanwhile, small businesses more readily evoke human relationships, this which corresponds better to the climate they have with their ...