Moksha And Salvation

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Moksha and Salvation

Moksha and Salvation

Religious excellence is found in Christianity's Salvation and Hinduism's moksha. In Hinduism, Moksha stands as freedom from the worldly life (samsara). The moment starts when the soul is removed. Then the released soul (Atman) is currently free to get Moksha (Christian salvation) at the end of immense voyage. In Hinduism, Moksha denote liberty of the soul from the cycle of death and birth eternally that is nameed “salvation” in Christianity and “Nirvana” in Buddhism.

Hindus proposes three differente routes to moksha. The first route is the known as karma yoga or the path of works. Karma Yoga stresses the idea that freedom can be obtained by accomplishing one's duties to the family and the society. This is one of the methods of countering and reducing the impact of bad karma a person may have accumulated. (Bowes 1976)

The path to salvation leads through knowledge. This is known as jnana yoga. The basic principle of Jnana Yoga is that the reason why a person cannot escape the constant cycle of births in this material world is avidya or ignorance. This misplaced conception is the main hurdle in our union with Brahman. Brahman is the starting and the end of all things in this life.. These negative actions result in the negative karma. Complete salvation is attained through achieving the state of awareness in which he person understands its connection with Brahman. the state of union with the ultimate reality can be reached through deep meditation. This meditation is taught as an advance part of the yoga. (

The final route to salvation is the way of loyalty. This is known as bhakti yoga. It fulfills the desire for an a very personal approach to religion. Such attachment is expressed through, puja. Puja are the various acts of worship. In the way of loyalty (bhakti yoga), the emphasis is one achieving the help and mercy of the chosen deity. The idea is interpreted differently by the believers. Some envisage of final salvation as assimilation into the one true divine reality. This absorption is at the cost of the disappearance of existence of the individual. Still others visualize it as a blissful state of existence in an everlasting admiration of the chosen god.

As Hindus come to realization, freedom, salvation, discharge in a totally changed way to the Christian, and since Jesus Christ is considered as just an extra avatar ...
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