George Santayana described Pragmatism this way, “American pragmatism connects the American experimental and inventive attitude with older philosophical ideas”. Pragmatism first appeared in the late nineteenth century, but was only widely accepted after World War II. This philosophy assumed that life has a purpose and that rivals theories about man and the world have to be tested against this purpose. Pragmatism caught in the United States because Americans were focused on results and achieving their goals. What is known as Pragmatism was a broad philosophical movement that affected the American way of thinking in logic and science, psychology and religion, and ethics and social behavior. In relating pragmatism to America, it is actually quite simple because pragmatism is all about an American way.
The three most popular pragmatic philosophers are Peirce, James, and Dewey. Their common thread was that there “must be a close connection between thinking and doing.” All three of the most recognized pragmatic philosophers are from the New England area of America in fact. In addition any business leader, politician, or other social leader emphasizing their vision for the future is likely to be adherent to the philosophy of pragmatism (Green, 1997). This is because these people are focusing on results and consequences, and they emphasize moral standards to help their achieving desired goals. In American education there is strong evidence such as the admirable goals and hopeful outcomes that are placed on future generations. There are also increasing high school graduation rates, expecting competency in challenging subject matter.
Charles Sanders is the founder of pragmatism. Peirce philosophized about logic and science. He worked with the theory of meaning and coined the term pragmatism. “Pragma” is a Greek word meaning act or deed, named in order to emphasize the fact that words derive their meanings ...