Modern Media

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Power of the Modern Media

Power of the Modern Media


Living in the modern world, we are constantly confronted with the media. The media is so firmly established in the everyday lives of people that they cannot imagine their existence without it. The society has become addicted to watching the latest news everyday on television, or soccer games at a sports site on the Internet, listening to the weather forecast for the day on the waves of a favorite of FM Radio. How much the world has changed! And these changes are directly related to the function of the media. Over the years, there has been an increasing pressure on the modern media due to increasing need of information. However, what is the impact of modern media on the society? What is the nature of the influence of media on the lives of people in their behavioral patterns, habits, etc.? And, in general, whether there is an influence or not? The influence of modern media on young people is significant. The modern media impacts social groups, which make the maximum use of the modern media and eagerly receives information of different content. Modern societies all over the world have become are very curious, and want to be informed about all events taking place not only in their city, but throughout the world.


The main development of the theory of mass communication started relatively recently, since 1952. The formation of modern Western communication theory of evolution can be divided into several stages or "generations" that brought their own characteristics in the understanding of the phenomenon of communication. Despite the fact that the studies that we now refer to the communication, conducted throughout the twentieth century in the various social sciences after the Second World War, together with the development of information science and technology, began to take shape new approaches to the study of the phenomenon of communication. Characteristic of these approaches was to consider communication as information transfer, where the necessary components are recognized source of information, the message, the recipient of the information transmission channel and noise. The model was modified in the communication literature and is widely used as a model of information transmission. To this day, despite the recognized limitations, emphasizing linear, unidirectional communication, this model is widely used in communication theory and practice, particularly in mass communication and public speaking.

Theorists look at communication as a social process, identify themselves to the various schools and research directions in the field of communication. Representation of these schools of thoughts addresses systems theory, social constructionism, social constructivism, critical theory, cultural studies, postmodernism, symbolic interactionism, etc. The media have an important influence on the lifestyle of people. This effect applies to both directly through the media on the identity of a person, and indirectly through parents, teachers, peers, media on which, in turn, also have a significant impact. Even the prevailing social norms in a society are largely formed by the media. The media creates the mutually dual effect on the lives ...
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