The term Mobile Technology tends to be interpreted as the ability to utilize the different aspects attached to information technology from multiple places as opposed to previous practices of using it with in a specific location. However, many experts tends to interpret Mobile technology as Mobile Computing and thus refers it as a benefit for the staff who tends to utilize the services provided by a company while away from the premises of that organization. In other words mobile technology in terms of any organization is also interpreted as access to data via different mediums without constraints on the physical location or equipment involved. The term 'Mobile Technology' is thus identified as utilizing different technologies such as Packet radio communication, Cellular networks, Satellite Stations and other similar factors. It tends to facilitate those employee members who are on the go and intends to use the data of the company or wants to exchange e- mail, files or other information (Ray & Fun 2001, p.261).
However, in this ever evolving world it is also necessary that the employees tends to remain update to the current world happenings so that they can plan their work accordingly in order to remain competitive and move with the world in order to survive in this ever changing world. It allows the employee to understand the needs of the consumer in a much more effective and efficient ways. However, in the context of this paper we intend to critically analyze the advantages of mobile technology in order to develop a better understanding of the subject.
Many organizations tend to eye mobile technology and intend to capitalize on it as a competitive advantage. Today the mobile technology can greatly alter the way an organization tends to operate and how the consumer intends to see that organization in highly complex world. It allows the organization to capture new trends in order to meet the conventional needs such as marketing, advertising of any related product. It allows the organizations serve the customer beyond the reach of its physical presence. Thus, this section of the paper tends to identify some of the benefits attached to the Mobile Technology.
Services Offered
Mobile technology can improve the mechanism through which an organization tends to provide its facilities or services to the customer. It allows the different organizations to gauge different forces and press on it and demand the premium pricing in return. Thus, it equips the organization to fulfill its objective of profit maximization. As indicated above that mobile technology tends to equip the organization to operate in a much more effective way. For example it could help the organization to update the customer relationship management system which helps the organization to update the details regarding the customer while still on the move moreover its can improve the consumer experience by inculcating the new trends (Marvin 2001, p.145).
If an organization tends to operate the online the consumer tends to save time while shopping this can also increase the consumer preference and thus ...