Ministerial Effectiveness

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Ministerial Effectiveness


The research determines the church ministerial effectiveness by keeping in view the aspects of leadership, motivation, and personality traits, the purpose is to identify if to be an effective minuet, all these variable play a significant role. The research employs a qualitative research design in the form of survey questionnaire. The main variables are the ministerial effectiveness, leadership, motivation and the personality traits. A sample of 50 current and former church ministers is taken whose responses will be measure on a 5 point Likert scale focusing. The results will be analyzed by the method of coding and then interpretation.

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction4

Purpose Statement4

Social Relevance of the Study4

Theoretical Framework5

Significance of the Study10

Definition of Variables10

Research Questions11

Hypothesis Statement11

Chapter III: Methodology13

Purpose Statement13

Research Setting and Sample13

Selection of Organization13

Data Collection Strategies14

Sample Characteristics15

Instrument and Measures15

Data Analysis Plan18



Appendix A: Questionnaire25

Appendix B: Cover Letter27

Ministerial Effectiveness

Chapter I: Introduction

To support, educate, and entertain are some of the words to describe the role and responsibility of a minister, but it is yet to determine how to measure the effectiveness of minster's role. While personal stories shape the lives of many leaders, according to Kouzes, Posner, (2007), “Authentic leaders are portrayed as possessing self-knowledge and a personal point of view which reflects clarity about their values and convictions” (p. 396). They have been personal recipients of negative or positive leadership, or they have witnessed it firsthand. The minister's focus on the significance of the sense of purpose knowing where they are going and what objective is supposed to be achieved.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that contribute most to the ministry effectiveness. The aim is to determine if there is a predefined set of variables that apply to being an effective minister. Besides, the research studies the impact of the personality traits, motivation and leadership style on ministry effectiveness.

Social Relevance of the Study

If the level of ministerial effectiveness today is uneven, this study discovers whether or not this type of effectiveness is dependent on or correlated with the authentic leadership of ministers. If there exists a positive correlation between the ministers who have higher levels of authentic leadership and who also exhibit ministerial effectiveness, then this type of study is fruitful for reflection and further research. The circle of organizations and people which may choose to further reflect on such a study in order to receive some benefit could be the community and the church ministers.

Theoretical Framework

Perception of Clergy of the Effectiveness in Various Pastoral Activities

A strong professional concept is imperative for a clergy in performing their pastoral duties and the commitment to the church. One of the major aspects of a strong professional self image is a feeling that they are capable of carrying out the basic tasks of the professional status. According to Beyer, (2010), on a scales of ministerial effectiveness when the clergies were asked to rate themselves, most of them felt that they are somewhat ineffective. Therefore self perception plays a very important role in determining ones competencies and ...