Millenarianism and the apocalypse helpful for understanding political religions
Hitler's impact on modern world politics1
Revival of Millenarianism3
Political religions4
Millenarianism and the apocalypse helpful for understanding political religions5
Hitler and Millenarianism6
Millenarianism and the apocalypse helpful for understanding political religions
To understand Political religions, it is essential to take into consideration a number of factors. My approach centres on believe that millenarianism and the apocalypse are two topics which are very important in the understanding of political religions. Considering how Hitler and his believe contributed in shaping the world in the 19th century, it is the root of nationalism after the French revolution and leading to the First World War that influence political religion. My approach is to take into account the Messiah concepts and their association to political religions in light to the activities of the third Reich and more specifically Hitler. To be able to better understand the phenomena and relate it to the modern world, it is vital to study these elements separately in detail. This will help to create a better understanding which can help association of political religion to Millenarianism and many events from history.
Hitler's impact on modern world politics
Modern politics as we know it and take for granted is because of the actions and believes of Hitler who believed German people to of the superior race “Aryan”, and the rest of the world as a mean to reach their end, especially exploiting the Jews, considering them the source of all evil. Prior to such terrible event, no official anti-racial sentiments existed on national level or across the globe. The Holocaust which witnessed the murder of six million Jews by the Nazi party elicited this believe, and made the world “UN” stand for the week and promote human rights (Burleigh, M. 2001, Pp. 12 - 69).
It its most general form, Millenarianism or chiliasm is the doctrine that Christ will return to reign on earth for a thousand years before the last battle against evil, the condemnation of hell to lose all their influence for eternity and the Judgement. Influenced the Church of the second century of the Christian era in the Middle Ages, and finally among Protestant fundamentalists. For some author's millenarianism, utopianism expressed in a secular-religious but has remained in force through political projects of universal salvation or social engineering totalitarian .Millenarianism, or chiliasm (or chiliasm), supports the idea of an earthly reign of Messiah, after it has driven the Antichrist, and before the Last Judgment. This thought is found in certain strands of Judaism in the Apocalypse of John, in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and the Islamic Sunni and Shiite Gell, Alfred, 1992, Pp. 22).
Since the late nineteenth century we are witnessing a resurgence of millenarianism through several religious communities, for example, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Latter-day Saints (Mormons), or the Rastafarian movement. By extension of meaning, similar traditions present in other religions, prophesying the return or the arrival of a deity creating a reign often proceeded by extraordinary phenomena or calamity, are sometimes ...