Four hundred years ago, many thought that birds sleep on bottom of lakes in winter. This belief comes from observation that every autumn huge flocks of birds collected in reeds. As autumn progressed, they became less and less, until they were all gone. Next spring, she came slowly into tube back to sleep. Just as increased communication between people from different countries, it was observed that threshold of theory was wrong, because birds that occurred in such great numbers in September, took place in southern Germany in October and so on. Hunting and visual observation of birds, coupled with improved communications significantly improve general knowledge about bird migration in following centuries.
Problem Statement
Homing is problem of finding the location known an unknown place, while first time, immigrants are problem, faced the completely unknown place with the very familiar spot. As the consequence of homing mainly on extrapolations from the few signals from navigation map are based, while first migration of young birds, as will later appear clear, it appears to be the simple vector based navigation without the map.
Aims and Objectives of Study
The main aim and objective of this work is as follows:
1. Discuss migration of birds
2. Illustrate diversity of senses used by animals for navigation.
3. Illustrate mechanisms and strategies used by animals to navigate.
Research Question
RQ1: How birds are able to focus on their spectacular migratory journey?
Significance of Study
It is very important to understand that different kinds of birds do not necessarily use same strategy orientation. Let me give some examples. Many studies conducted on pigeons. However, caution is advised when you try to transfer knowledge about homing pigeons for migratory birds. Homing Pigeon and first autumn migration of young birds are two fundamentally different problems (later migration, however, homing, processes).
In addition, precursor of rock pigeons, Columba livia, which is the shining example of resident species. In fact, it is not to be like migratory birds. Thus, homing ability of pigeons by people in reserves largely due to human selection and training, which took place in nature never (to 2003) increased. Thus, navigational skills of selected may not be same as in wild birds have been selected by natural selection. By way, I'm sure that will be long-distance migrants for its ability to test well beyond pigeons.
Literature Review
About 80% of bird species in North America, Europe and Asia, follow different forms of migration. Twice the year they make journey between their breeding and wintering areas, the distance of several hundred to tens of thousands of kilometers. Migration is one of most complex phenomena in avian life cycle, and it was actively engaged in bird-watchers in past 100 years (perhaps 2006). Research has focused on important issues such as orientation and navigation, energy consumption and flight mechanics, mechanisms and structures for migration management, internal and external factors. Many of these topics are of general biological significance as they relate not only to birds, but many other creatures that carry out regular ...