Migration Museum libr 1008 Advanced Information Report

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Migration Museum

LIBR 1008 Advanced Information Report










Migration is an old phenomenon, going on since the beginning of times and people have been moving from one place to another, in search of better living opportunities or better standard of living. These migrations not only impact both the areas: the original country and the host country, and histories of both the nations are shaped by the immigrations and the immigrants (Duncan, 2003, Pp: 91). The Australian immigration has also placed an immense impact on the culture as well as economy of Australia, and the rapid influx of people has played its part in changing the past as well as future of the country. The migration museum of Australia thus seeks to analyze the situation of Australia immigration and the impact placed by the immigrants on the country.


The method selected to get a deep and thorough understanding of the ways in which migration has shaped Australia and the history of the country, some history books would be consulted and analysis of the immigrants as well as their immediate impact would be highlighted. In addition, the Australian immigration would be compared and contrasted with the Iran's immigration, and thus the similarities and differences would be highlighted to present a better idea regarding effects of immigrations and that ways in which the phenomenon has shaped the history of Australia (Jupp, 2002, Pp: 93). The readings and study would also include study of the Australian culture and civilization, the diversity that has resulted due to immigration and the social situation that has emerged due to the same phenomenon. This research would thus assist in understanding the history and present of Australia more effectively and some of the popular and famous immigrants would be focused, to highlight the impact of immigrants on the political as well as socioeconomic situation of Australia.


After much research and thorough study regarding the Australian immigration and the impact these immigrants placed on Australia, following results were obtained:

Immigrations to Australia started as early as 1788, and thousand and people started moving towards Australia from both near and far areas. It is imminent to mention here that the government never turned a blind eye towards the immigrants and in order to ensure that they are well protected and properly managed, the government introduced a number of controversial policies towards the immigrants. Ranging from the 'White Australian Policy' to the 'Pacific Solution' the government policies kept changing and continued to alter the ways in which the immigrants play their part in changing the history of Australia.

Starting from a chapter in history, the immigration history of Australia begins at the time when Australia was a British colony. Thus most of the Australian citizens are originally descendants of the British immigrants, except the aboriginal Australian citizens. The large scale immigration policy implemented in Australia after World War II caused mass influx of immigrants from all parts of the world, which emerged from the idea that Australia should either populate or perish. The lenient immigration policy was also implemented ...