Mexico Is Suitable For Marketing, Distribution & Manufacturing

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Mexico is Suitable for Marketing, Distribution & Manufacturing

NAFTA Benefits

The term NAFTA tends to stand for North American Free Trade Agreement, the signatories of this agreement includes Canada, Mexico and United States. This agreement tends to create trilateral coalition between these three countries. However, the foremost objective of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was to facilitate the trade between these countries. In the context of this paper we will be throwing light on the advantages NAFTA tends to provide to the Mexico along with all those who intends to invest in Mexico for marketing, distribution and manufacturing. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) tends to settle the dispute and ensures fair implementation of the trade laws which tends to include imposing subsidies or dumping duties (Alvarez, 2000).

After North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Mexico will thus enjoy the special status under the United States Litigation system. After NAFTA the Mexico is bound to made improvement in its legal standards as those equivalent to United States and Western Europe. NAFTA has enabled Mexico to grow by creating many opportunities within the Mexican market by not only encouraging the local investor as well as the foreign investor. Under the agreement of NAFTA Mexico is bound to provide level playing field to both the investors thus favoring the foreign investor in the context of this paper. NAFTA not enabled Mexico to strength its domestic industry but the exports of the Mexico tend to have increased after the birth of NAFTA. The biggest advantage of NAFTA toxemic has been the change it brought with itself the industrial structure of the country changed from petroleum to manufacturing predicts due to the reduced tariffs and other major facilities which will be discussed in the course of this paper.

NAFTA has helped Mexico to remove the trade barriers with the United States and Canada (Green, 2002). The cost of doing a business in the Mexico is lowered since the government is bound to publish all the laws and regulations which enables the hidden costs to be reduced to a great deal. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) tends to allow Mexico to indulge in free trade with the United States which tends to be one of the most lucrative markets. Thus for those who are looking to invest in the marketing, distribution or manufacturing sector Mexico tends to provide them the full safeguard not only financially ...
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