Mexico is one of the main places in the world of anthropologists and anthropological research. Was the center of domestication of plants and the settlement of the city and one of the few places in the primary public education? He witnessed a rich and varied history of complex societies, including writing, urbanization and class hierarchy. Study of the Spanish conquest and colonial transformation has a fundamental understanding of how seemingly "local" rural communities and other social entities are part of global capitalism. Much of the anthropological work on power and inequality takes place in Mexico. Finally, Mexico has been the stage for key studies of cities and migration, as well as contemporary politics has contributed greatly to our understanding of indigenous peoples and social movements in a globalizing world (Wolf, 1959).
Mesoamerica continues in the northern part of Central America. In addition, the arid north of Mexico is outside Mesoamerica proper, being a transition region with cultural proximity, as in the southwestern United States and Central America. These cultural boundaries, however, should not be tightly closed during the pre-Columbian times; there was a significant interaction between Central America and Central America and even South America and North America. In Central America, the Maya area in the southern and central highlands of Mexico bright lights, but other regional cultures due to difficult terrain and the internal disagreements and interactions are also significant (Hewitt, 1984).
Mesoamerica in the Post-Columbian period, the effects of even larger scale, so that should be considered in terms of combined and uneven relations with Europe (via Spain) and the United States. No one can speak of the Mexican nation and its people as a cultural form, in fact, change the language, culture and regional Mexico are great, but recent studies have specifically addressed the consolidation ...