I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
In this study we try to explore the concept of the e-banking in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on study of methods and algorithms used for the e-banking system. The research also analyzes many e-banking approaches used for the development of the model. This Study tries to gauge the framework of algorithms used in the internet banking. The study followed the model development methodology. The diagnosis of developed model has become significantly widespread and is becoming a phenomenally prevalent situation. This research compares the architecture of the web processes and the online transactions.
Table of Contents
Outline of the Study1
Background of the study1
Rationale of the study2
Research Aim & Objective3
Research Philosophy3
Economics of Internet Banking5
E-Banking Approaches6
Architectural Challenges in the Financial Environment12
Service-Oriented Architecture13
The relationship between SOA and Enterprise Architecture14
Collaborative Systems16
E-banking Pricing Algorithms18
Client/Server Architectures21
Application Architecture Basic Components24
Application Architecture26
Two-Tier Client/Server Architecture27
Usage consideration27
Three-Tier Client/Server Architecture30
Fat/Thin Client Architecture31
Factors Influencing the Use of E-Banking Services32
Thin Server Architecture (TSA)35
Thin-Server Composition Platform36
Service-Oriented Architecture39
Outline of the Study
The first chapter provides an introduction to the topic including the purpose and significance of the study. The second chapter presents a review of relevant literature, highlighting the previous research carried out in this field. The analysis of findings and discussion will be presented in the third chapter. The fourth chapter will conclude the dissertation, providing implications and useful recommendations for further research.
Background of the study
As the importance of electronic business increases, a number of studies have investigated the questions including why people transact through Internet websites, what is the major reason people use a website, and what are the key factors to make a website usable. The core finding of the previous studies is that people intend to use a technology when it is easy to use and useful. Previous studies well explain why people accept a technology. Computer networks and data communications systems, i.e. internet, are the fastest growth technologies in recent years, which lead to magnificent development in many applications especially the swift advance in Internet, audio and video data traffic, etc.
There has been much activity in the past three years in developing Web-Service based bank application systems. With the banking industry becoming fragile amid recession, banks are looking for channels that can offer their range of products and services to a wider scope of customers, with minimum effort, added value and maximum security. In this effort, electronic banking (e-banking) provides convenient mediums (e.g. telephone banking, ATM's, phone banking, etc) for individuals and organizations to help ...