Metabolic Syndrome

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The Relationship between Dietary Diversity and Markers of Metabolic Syndrome (Fasting Glucose, Triglycerides, Total, Ldl And Hdl Cholesterol, Blood Pressure And Waist Circumference)

The Relationship between Dietary Diversity and Markers of Metabolic Syndrome (Fasting Glucose, Triglycerides, Total, Ldl And Hdl Cholesterol, Blood Pressure And Waist Circumference)


An important goal of treatment of the metabolic syndrome is related diseases to prevent. The aim is to begin as early as possible with the treatment, all factors that favor the development of complications, mitigate or even avoid. These include the lowering of blood lipids, especially LDL and an increase in the HDL value. In addition, the doctor for high blood pressure and obesity treatment is present, because they also increase the risk for coronary heart disease. The treatment of the metabolic syndrome occurs in several steps. First, the physician recommends the patient to achieve a change of lifestyle and dietary habits, improvement of symptoms. If these measures do not bring success, the doctor may also use drugs for treatment (Groop Leif, 2000, S39-S48).

Carbohydrates: at least 45%, protein: minimum 15% fat: 25% minimum. The remaining 15% must be personalized according to the degree of inactivity of the subject (Gohill, Rosenblum, et al, 2001, 581-6). Certain foods (butter, oil and sugar) should be used sparingly; others are discouraged (foods with added sugars that have sugar-free alternative). Our position on alcohol is clear, we refer to several articles covering the subject (The wine, alcohol index, WHO against wine). It is also important to moderate your consumption of salt (we recommend reading about it in our paper Detox from salty). It is also important to include in your diet all foods that have a high satiety index such as fruits and vegetables (Tsigos, Chrousos, 2002, 865-71).

Discussion & Analyses

Currently it is known that, within certain limits, the composition of matter more fats that its total quantity. The establishment of an upper limit for fat intake of about 35% to 40% of total energy intake is more realistic and easy to make the drastic reduction of fat that leads to disappointment for both patients and physicians (Pollex, Hegele, 2006, 482-9).

Does the ingestion of a drug alone is not the desired effect can combine several medications the doctor together. The metabolic syndrome (including insulin resistance syndrome) is a clinical condition associated with conditions such as overweight and obesity. From the clinical point of view, a subject may be regarded as suffering from metabolic syndrome when there are at least three of the reference values ??shown below blood pressure greater than 85/135 mmHg, triglyceride value exceeding 150 mg / dl, HDL cholesterol below 50 mg / dl in women and less than 40 mg / dl in humans, fasting blood glucose greater than 110 mg / dl and waist circumference greater than 88 cm for females and 102 for males (apple shape) (Fukuchi, Hamaguchi, et al, 2004, 486-493).

Exercise - If prevention is certainly useful exercise to medium-high intensity, in cases of overt metabolic syndrome conditions of the subject requires caution on the quality ...
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