Merchant Ships Along The Northern Sea Route

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Navigation of Merchant Ships along the Northern Sea Route

Navigation of Merchant Ships along the Northern Sea Route


Primary goal of navigation is to ensure the safety of navigation in all sailing conditions. Proceeding from this basic problem, the technique of modern navigation provides the following specific problems: preliminary selection of the most profitable way of the vessel; driving the vessel on a pre-planned path and the monitoring of swimming in this way; study of external factors affecting the movement of the vessel, the nature of this influence and its methods of accounting.

The obvious obstacles to greater use of commercial maritime routes in the near future remain seasonality and the need for specialized navigation. Sailing to the east is the only four (in a good year five) months. Keeping in view the new ship designs and further improvements in navigation systems and services, forecasters can change the commercial equation.

The Merchant Ships Navigation on the Northern Sea Routes

The role and importance of the Northern Sea Route as a thoroughfare, determined primarily by the needs of industrial development and successful functioning of economic systems, adjacent to the track area of the Arctic coast as a major factor in stabilizing the economy and ensuring national geopolitical and economic security of Russia (Johannessen,2007,58-67).

As an internal way, the Northern Sea Route has played an important role in the economic life of many areas of the commercial shipping that are associated with the Arctic Ocean as large rivers as the Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma, Khatanga and others. These rivers carry their waters into the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic seas to form a single transport system (Johannessen,2007,58-67).

Operational Issues

The problems of the functioning of the Northern Sea Route are closely related to general problems of the Russian Arctic. Effective use of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor, the decisive problem of transportation for the economic needs of the Russian and international requirements, possible only if the solution of a number of urgent issues related to the need to establish a legal framework for its operation, providing year-round navigation of the cycle routes Northern Sea Route, regardless of the season and ice extent, increasing and upgrading the park icebreakers, ensuring navigational safety along the whole road, across the road creating conditions for the servicing of international transport corridor (freight terminals, call centres, logistic centres, etc.) (Brodie,2006,46-59). The commercial shipment requires the development of the concept, and then the federal program for the development of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport corridor. Particular attention should be paid to the creation of favourable conditions for cargo transportation and customs services, tankers, port fees, cargo securing, security, traffic, etc (Brodie,2006,46-59).

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