A mentor is an adult who, along with parents, provides young people with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example. Mentors are good listeners, people who care, people who want to help young people bring out strengths that are already there. (Muller 2003, 67-78)
An ideal Mentor has many roles:
1. A Motivator who motivates students at times when they need it the most. Its being rightly said that “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.”
2. A guide who tells the correct path to students in order to achieve their goals.
3. A supporter who's always beside the student while making the most important decisions of his life.
Individualized understood as an integrator while the education is an essential component of the teaching function.
Against traditional trends denial of the diversity of students, the tutoring function aims to ensure that education is truly comprehensive and personalized and is not reduced to a simple transfer of knowledge. Therefore, the tutorial should give prominence to those features of education that go beyond the statement and make the background of experiences that allow for individualized and comprehensive education.
According to this idea, the work of the faculty not only focuses on transmitting knowledge, but also in work values ??and attitudes, and bearing in mind a particular student with skills, specific needs and interests, so that an implicit commitment teacher-educator. (Dougherty 1997, 110-124)
Thus, the function tutorial is identified with the teaching; every teacher must perform tasks that go beyond imparting knowledge. In this sense, one should speak of the tutorial function specifically, understood as an inseparable element of the educational process as a whole.
High School, with the educational reform has created a space for Guidance and Tutoring and opens with the purpose of accompanying the students during their learning process at this level, in order to obtain better results at this stage and meet the needs and interests to assist in the formulation of their own lives. (Ganser 1996, 8-11)
Mentoring plays an important role in the school since it was established as an educational space that allows monitoring the formation of students as well as the planning and development of strategies to foster skills and abilities of youth. Also plays an important role in the nursery for the early treatment of learning difficulties. (Krichesky 1999, 49-63)
The role of counselling in the promotion of mental health of pupils and students
Mental health is one of the major health challenges faced by pupils and students during their study, and during the exam period, specifically, in view of the side impact on the integration of physical, mental, psychological and social development of pupils. In addition to the effects of what is produced for this period on the future of intellectual and scientific, which gives a strong presence in educational institutions. (Muller 2003, 67-78)
The obvious importance of guidance and counselling to strengthen the potential of students and raise the level of psychological development has, ...