Productive nurse mentoring program requires time, effort and commitment - without resources registered nurse or an organization related to health can afford to lose these days. With the software web-based tutoring, wear cut in half in less than six months and simplifies the management of the mentoring of nursing in direct care, education, research, administrative and work environments.
Mentors help new nurses to meet your new job functions and corporate environment. It boosts the performance of JCAHO scores, nursing recruitment, retention of nurses, nursing staff development, and ultimately, the quality of patient care. In addition, a nursing mentoring program has a potential cost reduction of $ 50.000 by the nurse kept (based on average turnover costs) according to a 1999 analysis of nursing economics implications. Also, a nurse mentoring program is an important criterion to achieve Magnet Hospital status. Unfortunately, the shortage of nurses, not enough nurses to patient care, not to mention tutoring.
A successful mentoring program has many benefits and positive results. However, it has its pitfalls. A mix of traditional face-to-face mentoring and eMentoring addresses two main issues in situations of mentoring - the limitations of time and distance limitations. This "hybrid" Mentoring in Health Care Management System is "a personalized experience, on demand tutoring for collaboration using web enabled technology and exchange of knowledge and integrated management to quickly build the knowledge, nursing skills and the ability to optimize human performance, anytime, anywhere, while providing the ability to track and measure results. "HIPAA mentoring partners should use devices that support collaboration, such as internet message, videoconferencing, instant messaging and file move, to discuss persevering data, sustain persevering confidentiality, and to carry out aspects of mentoring.
Hospitals, long term care, health agencies in the home, associations, schools and other health-related ...