Mental Health Nursing

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Mental Health Nursing

Mental Health Nursing


Depression is common among the elderly. But this does not mean that this state is natural. Depression in the elderly affects about 6 million people in Ukraine at the age of 65 years and older. But only 10% of them receive appropriate treatment. This is due to the fact that depression in older people manifests itself in different ways. Also, symptoms of depression often stray to the side effects of taking medication or various diseases involving the people in that age. This paper talks about a patient who is suffering from a severe depressing state.

Ernest is a 71-year-old man of British heritage who has retired from teaching history at the local high school. He was a keen gardener in his day and loved debating politics with his friends and playing Golf. He has lived alone since his wife died 12 months ago and has been struggling to cope without her. He describes missing her everyday- all day and all night. He has few other supports. Tim is his only son who is 45 years old and married with two teenage girls. They live in America. Ernest has not seen them since his wife's funeral. He has irregular phone calls from them.

He has been assessed by the CATT team and admitted to the acute aged mental health unit. He was admitted wearing only his underwear because he could not find his clothes. He has been diagnosed with depression. He has a number of physical complaints included obesity, diabetes and alcohol abuse. On admission, the psychiatrist noted that Ernest was expressing suicidal ideation, saying that he felt worthless and did not want to live anymore. He spends most of his time lying in bed getting up in the afternoon. He cannot name anyone that he maintains contact with socially. He believes his next-door neighbours are coming into his house and stealing his food and throwing rubbish over the fence. He also believes that they are putting gas through the central heating vents and has not turned the heating on for a long time as a result. He thinks the gas is destroying his brain and the neighbours are doing this forced him to sell his property. The Psychiatrist believes that Ernest is depressed but may also have some degree of Alzheimer's disease.

In this paper, we have to provide with the details of the proper treatment and stress management of the patient in order to reduce his depression and to bring him back to the normal life. We have to appoint a nurse to his care and treatment who would be responsible for the care of him and his family, and who would be dealing with all of his treatment requirements.


The objective of the paper is to provide in-depth analysis on depression and how it should be cured in elderly people. The paper will also identify various methods of treatment and the nursing care plan for the ...
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