Mental Health Nurses

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Mental health Nurses Can Empower Service Users

Mental health Nurses can empower service users


With the beginning of the new century, in spite of excessive policy reforms and good practices; empowerment of services users of mental health nurses is still a minor activity. This is however, acknowledged as good thing by number of people but practiced rarely. The term empowerment however, refers to the process of enabling people taking their own decisions. Empowering community, minority and other groups of society has always been a major societal concern. Although, when it comes to empowering service users of mental health nurses or simply mentally disturbed patient the significance of empowering this group increases twice to empowering other groups of society. The subject of empowering service users of mental health services however has been given very little attention. This is because lack of awareness and concern among key societal reformation groups, as well as mindset of the people that empowering this group would bring no good to the society. This paper, in this connection will critically analyze the significance of empowering service users of mental health nurses while highlighting the benefits of.

Empowering service users of mental health services

The influential status of a nurse enables the standard of care to be improved, which can enhance the patient experience and health outcomes. This is significantly important in mental health care, considering the perceived lack nursing today involves very special qualities: it requires creating and continually builds the profession; strength to stay with the pain of others, critical imagination to adapt the organization of health services, an enabling environment for the care of people. Requires preparation and scientific talent, technical and human resources to teach and to help meet the care needs of each individual as a unique and incorporate it into their environment, family and community.

In recent years, professional nursing has moved decisively to become a scientific discipline has begun to create and test their own theoretical basis, to promote the academic development of persons engaged in the professional field, to apply their own theory to practice and use it to enrich that. While the progress made towards achieving systematic control of their experience has been slow and has not yet definitively, it has begun to emerge a clear picture of scientific development that the profession must achieve.

Nursing is a profession that is based care to the healthy or ill, the family and the community, which involves the relationship of scientific knowledge and practice, which address these issues. As part of medical science is based on different laws of nature and society, to meet the basic needs of human health, what is considered the object of study. Following this conceptualization, it reaffirmed the science of nursing, its foundation in logic and scientific method of work, the process of nursing care.

The nursing process is the method that applies the theoretical basis for the exercise of profession guides for practical work, to organize thoughts, observations and interpretations, provides the basis for research, contributes to the promotion, ...
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