Mental Health

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Mental Health Assignment

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Mental Health Assignment


The topic under study relates to medicine and health. It includes the analysis of all the learning outcomes that I studied in the module. These learning outcomes include evaluation of the social model of mental health, evaluation of the existing theories, models and treatment methods in this field, demonstration of understanding and use of anti-discriminatory practice and promoting people's perception about mental health services.

As far as mental health nursing practice is concerned, mental health nurses more often than not adopt the perspective that most appeal to them. However, given the current emphasis on evidence-based practice, it is important that we do not let ideological dogma alone dominate our practices. Though there are some practitioners who rigidly adhere to one or other of the theoretical frameworks, these are the exception rather than the rule.


Social Model of Mental Health

Social models of mental health are the models that focus on the complications of the mental health conditions and sickness in an individual or a society. Social models of mental health provide numerous strategies for interference, generating skills over a number of areas. These models analyze the influence of strengths and weaknesses over health related issues.

There is a fact that there are certain models of mental health, which are outdated, and fall short when it comes to an evidence base. During educating and providing training to a variety of health nurses, trainers notice that they can teach students to be effective, and people, with mental health problems, successfully (Donahue, 2010, 203). Most of the practitioners use theoretical models of some sort to pursue mental health practices. Most of the models are similar in nature when it comes to solving problems and approaches of the mental health processes; it is just that we are not particularly precious about those models being social models. A lot of practitioners appreciate the fact that the models that are available are useful for mental health. There are different models of mental health practices which are discussed as follows:

The Recovery Model; is an important aspect that needs mention in this context. It implies to a right of every individual, whereby it has an agreed potential for recovery from mental disorders and substance dependence. The model emphasizes and support the idea that every patient having a mental disorder should be given a chance to recover and be able to lead life normally.

The psychodynamic model; focuses on the source of mental health problems through the childhood experiences.

Behavioural mode; instead of the symptoms focuses more on the behaviour of an individual.

Another model is a cognitive model, which explores the mental health problems through genesis.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Model of Mental Health

There are a number of advantages of the social model of mental health. These advantages include, providing medication to patient with mild or acute mental ill health symptoms, evaluate and assess the quality of services in community clinics, maintain an acceptable quality of life, ensure that people with mental illness enjoy life as normal, healthy citizens ...
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