Mending Wall

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Mending Wall by Robert Frost

Mending Wall by Robert Frost


The poem Mending Wall is written by Robert Lee Frost. Robert Lee Frost was a poet of American origin. Robert Frost has been highly respected for his naturalistic depictions of the rural life, and because of his mastery over the use of conversational speech in America. He was a well-known American poet and four-time Pulitzer Prize winner. This paper will discuss the poem according to the poet's thoughts and feelings and will analyze the poem in literary context. The wall that the poet is referring to is the wall that is sometimes created between relationships. This poem gives us a good lesson of how people should maintain their limits, but at the same time should open up, as well because one cannot limit himself from the world. he has to make sure that he talks to the people around him.


The poem “Mending Wall” is a very theatrical and narrative poem. The title of the poem is tellingly indistinct, because in the title of the poem, the word mending could be taken as an adjective or could be taken as a verb. When we consider the word mending as a verb, this word is describing the activities, which the speaker of the poem & his neighbor are performing when they are fixing the wall that is there in between their farms. If we take the word mending as an adjective, the word would indicate that the wall is playing a much more delicate role, as a mending wall, it is playing a part in maintaining a good relationship in between the two neighbors.

In this poem, he has discussed the youth a number of times, especially, and has discussed the concept of youth in connection with the idea of loss and innocence. In this poem, he has utilized a number of themes and symbols. Besides making use of the idioms of the New England, Frost has managed to improve the intimate and a colloquial mode of the way he has written the poem, mending wall by writing it in a uninterrupted figure. Instead of splitting up the poem into small stanzas or some other types of sections, Frost has presented a continuous sequence of lines in which he has described the poem. All the same, the center of focus in the poem has been on five main areas in the poem.

The first area ...
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