Meiji Restoration period, describes the events that led to dramatic changes in political and social structure of Japan after the fall of the Tokugawa period. This period is called the Meiji period, lasted for 4 years (1866-1869), the change in the traditional political system and the revolution in Japan in a global context with the Emperor Meiji king. With this modernization, Japan has adopted in western countries and prospered economically, socially and as a nation transformed from a traditional feudal state into a modern imperial nation(Curtis, p79)
The growth of the Meiji period, many countries in Asia, including Japan, were defeated Western powers, even forced to sign unequal treaties that were in the economic and legal benefit of the Western powers. An example of this was extra-territoriality, in which foreign nations have the right to apply its own laws for their nationals to stay in Japan. They were forced to Japanese military and social superiority. In this regard, Japan has become weak and suffer the constant fear of defeat by Western powers, not benefits. Meiji Japan saw the need to update their powers to establish independence, to gain respect from the Western powers, and strengthened against the Western powers politically, militarily and economically, to get rid of the inequalities that were present. This was the basis for modernizing Meiji with its slogan "rich country and strong army"(Richard, p36).
The new government was formed, the elimination of traditional government of the Tokugawa Shoguns and the samurai, who previously had full power over the Japanese government. With the emperor and Satsuma Choshu families control. To achieve a successful parliamentary structure, foreign structures were observed and imitated. As a result, Meiji Japan was the world's first to use the democratic system of government, although democracy is not understood in Japan has remained non-democratic constitution, therefore, nationalism and patriotism have been carried out in force. This system was created to build an equal state with equality among all. It was one of the first changes in the destruction of Tokugawa Japan to establish a modern Meiji Japan(Beasley, p 45).
As the Meiji leaders began to reform in Japan, they found that other systems should also be changed to a success, thus complete the upgrade has been beneficial. For example, military modernization is required weapons, which required the economic power, and the implementation of the military forces of transport and communication were needed and coordinated political power to control these. To ensure that people understand these modernization and adaptation effectively, educational modification was necessary. Various upgrades were interdependent as a result of which the restructuring of Meiji Japan(Beasley, p 45).
In order to strengthen Japan, it was obvious that new reforms were needed. Japan, seeing the power and reach of the Western powers, led to complete Westernization, borrowing ideas and techniques of the Western powers for their own. This proved very effective, as the Japanese covers successful techniques of the Western powers, adapting them to their needs while layoffs unnecessary or not the methods. This meant that Japan was ...