Mega Infrastructure, The History, Positives, Negatives, The Ways To Improve The Industry

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[Mega infrastructure, the history, positives, negatives, the ways to improve the industry]



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Table of Contents

Background of Study4

Problem Statement5

Purpose of Study5

Objectives of Study5

Rationale of Study6

Significance of Study6


History of Infrastructure Development9

Images of Urban Life11

Data on Infrastructure Development12

Urban Explosion and its Consequences13

First and Third World Infrastructure Development14

Infrastructure Development and Globalisation16

Resource Inequity17

Global Population Growth18

Population and the Environment19

Development's Environmental Cost21

Toward the Urban Future22

The accepted approach23

Redrawing borderlines of public and private involvement27


Chapter 1: Introduction


Background of Study

In periods of risk, numerous appraisals of very large infrastructure investments suppose, or imagine supposing, that infrastructure principles and projects live in the predictable Newtonian world of origin and result where things proceed as asserted by plan. In truth, world of principle and project groundwork and implementation is the highly stochastic one where things occur only with the certain likelihood and seldom turn out as initially intended?


Problem Statement

The malfunction to contemplate probabilistic truth of investment groundwork and implementation is the centered cause for poor pathway record that can be documented for numerous major projects. The accepted approach to infrastructure investments is restored by an alternate focusing on accountability. Redrawing borderlines of private and public involvement, four exact assesses to boost accountability are proposed and detailed: (1) Transparency, (2) Performance specifications, (3) Explication of regulatory regimes, and (4) Involvement of risk capital.

Purpose of Study

It is the rudimentary tenet of our work that good decision making is not only the inquiry of better information and better methods but furthermore of institutional arrangements that encourage accountability. At an early stage, thus, we determined to restore accepted approach to infrastructure investments by an alternate focusing on accountability. We furthermore held that our analysis and recommendations should be founded on genuine know-how from investments that have currently been made.


Objectives of Study

The objectives of this particular study will be to:

Give a historical account of the development of mega infrastructure industry.

Highlight the importance of mega structures in a country's economy.

Discuss the pros and cons of the mega infrastructures in the living conditions for the inhabitants.

Rationale of Study

The emergence of a number of large “mega-cities,” many in developing countries, is being noted. Are, in fact, such cities too large? This is the question of primacy or the size of large cities and their place in the urban structure of the country. Some of the research on this issue, such as that of (Savage, Warde, 2003, 58), has simply focused on the size of the largest city relative to the rest of the country's population. Other research, such as that of (Redfield, Singer, 2004, 56) or (Mumford, 2006, 83), has focused ...
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