The morality play, Everyman delivers its moral very clearly right through the beginning till the end. The character everyman's emotional transformation depicts the various phases and their impact they had on him. The character Sir Gawain and Beowulf are heroic characters that lead to the life which is purposeful. These characters refer to as how a man has to live his life and learn through various steps. However, the character knight in Chaucer's wife of bath shows the other half of the everyman character. The unnamed character Knight leads a meaningless life and transforms through a test in which his life is at stake. Knight is unkind and blind towards the truth of life. The rest of the two characters, Sir Gawain and Beowulf devote their lives to people and kind deeds, which is the core of the morality play, Everyman.
The two heroic characters Sir Gawain and Beowulf exhibit traits that coincide at various stages with the traits of the leading characters in the play everyman. Comparing Beowulf's character first with the Everyman in the play, the Beowulf is a man who is always ready to be the help for others. He is brave and a matchless warrior. He likes showing his courage and bravery to the people and fights the Grendel to protect his people from killing, by the Grendel. Through the story, the character of Beowulf matures greatly. He seeks advice from Hrothgar who acts as his mentor. Everyman seeks advice from good deeds and knowledge. Here, their character exhibits similar characteristics. Also, surrenders himself to death and Beowulf as well but they both die as heroic death. This shows that, with meritorious deeds, one would die with content. After fulfilling his people's responsibility Beowulf finally escapes into death. Every human has to die and ...