Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana


There is no doubt that the opinions of those against and for the legalization of marijuana have grown since the Controlled Substances Act changed in 1972. The Controlled Substances Act stated that marijuana has no accepted medical use. However, thousands of people in the USA think the other way around. This is why around fifteen states have already legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. There are many different reasons why medicinal marijuana should be legalized. The main reason is the fact that it proven that medicinal marijuana can help those who are sick with certain ailments.

There are two parts to the legalization argument. The first component is moral; the second component is its consequentiality or practical component. The moral component argues that prohibition is unjust and discriminatory; a policy that unfairly and tragically persecutes innocent parties. The consequential component argues that, as measured by any conceivable, widely agreed-on, existing standard, criminalization does more harm than good (Amtmann, 2004).


Hundred years ago, opium, cocaine, and even heroin were legal in America. They were used mostly to relieve medical conditions. Some versions of these drugs were sold over the counter, like aspirin and cough medicine today. Several factors led to laws restricting the availability of drugs: growing awareness that they were addictive; a desire by the medical.

The debate over the legalization of marijuana has been raging on for several decades. Even though countless arguments have been presented and considered over the passage of time the debate is still present in the irresolute form. In this regard, this discussion will attempt highlights the pros and cons of Marijuana.


Legalizing marijuana is a moral issue for people on both sides of the debate. Many opponents believe using marijuana is morally wrong because it alters a user's mental state and can 1ead to dangerous actions and addictions. It is believed that, by legalizing marijuana the government would be condoning an immoral practice. Furthermore, keeping marijuana illegal is n strong statement that society in general will not allow dangerous and rebellious activities to become the norm. Marijuana use can be associated with laziness and lack of responsibility. Keeping marijuana illegal is a way to protect families and communities from harmful behaviors that would reduce productivity and responsibility (Boire and Feeney, 2006).

Pros of Legalizing Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Can Help Sick Men and Women

There is no doubt that the medical use of marijuana can help men and women who are sick with specific diseases. For example, medical marijuana can help those who are sick with HIV, AIDS, Cancer, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, and epilepsy. Medical marijuana is commonly known to help sick men and women who have to deal with pain and nausea. Medical marijuana is also commonly used as a last resort when everything else fails to work. There are many different sick men and women who cannot keep down the nutrients that needed to fight their specific ailments. These men and women often cannot keep down those nutrients without the use of medical ...
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