Mediation Program

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Mediation Program

Mediation Program


Through mediation is understood as a voluntary and confidential process in which the expertly prepared, independent and impartial person, with the consent of the parties, helping them copes with the conflict. Mediation allows the participants to identify issues in dispute, reduce communication barriers, and develop solutions and proposals, if this is the will of the parties to conclude a mutually satisfactory agreement. The success of mediation as an effective method of conflict resolution depends to a large extent on the professionalism of the mediators and their high level of professional ethics.

Public policies of justice in recent years have focused the challenge of modernizing the justice system, not only by way of increasing its capacity to resolve conflicts, but also taking charge of how the system is resolved. Various initiatives are moving in that direction.

The pattern of allocation of rights, either to predominant in our legal system is particularly inappropriate to resolve family disputes by the systemic nature of these and the type of relationships that are at stake. Therefore, this reform pursued through the introduction of mediation, the parties provide instances to reach cooperative solutions, which favors the direct involvement of stakeholders, mitigated the levels of confrontation and improve standards of social welfare.

Mediation Process of Texas

First Phase: Mediation Agreement

In this phase, the mediator parties discussed in detail the principles of mediation. Mediator informs you about the mediation process and agreed with them, what procedural rules will apply in detail.The mediator will also check whether the method is suitable for those involved at all. The first meeting also discussed the issue of remuneration that is the mediator. There will be entered into a mediation agreement.

Second Phase: Information collection and topics

At this stage, it will be clarified what are the disagreements between the parties. In a survey while the topics requiring clarification will be collected on both sides and visualized. The mediator supports the mediation participants with interview techniques and formulates the issues to be resolved neutral, positive and open solution. Here the basis is created for an initial empathy.

Third Phase: Clarifying the underlying themes behind the interests and needs

At this stage, plays the distinguishing positions and interests of a large role. The mediation is based on the idea that there is no objective truth, but that each person has his own subjective reality, to recognize and understand it is. The uncovering of these interests and needs help with promoting the findings of science communication and questioning techniques of certain mutual understanding and acceptance of different viewpoints. The parties to the conflict in a position to develop future-oriented, value-adding options.

4th Phase: creative idea generation / formation of solution options

The interests and needs are worked out exactly, the creativity of the parties is required. Using the technique of brainstorming and other creativity techniques to develop options for solutions.

5th : Assessment and selection of solution options

In this phase, the items are returned to their viability checked and weighed the pros and ...
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