Media Stereotyping

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Media's Impact on Stereotypes


This paper attempts to examine stereotyping in media of African-American community. The paper also discusses the negative and positive impact of stereotyping. The paper begins while describing the existence of stereotyping in media. In discussion part, history of stereotyping is discussed to trace the beginning of this issue. The paper discussed stereotype representation of African-American community by in film, theater and other media as well. In this study, it has been found that because of stereotyping in media, black people's image in the society has been distorted. However, in conclusion recommendations are also made that how the image of the African-American can be reconstructed using media.


Media's Impact on Stereotypes


A stereotype is a social construct, a textually based assertion of what a given type of individual should be. A stereotype is also a representation. Whenever something is represented, something is always left out of the account, and this discontinuity is central to the meanings we derive; however, a stereotype leaves so much out of the account it operates more as a fiction than a reliable portrayal of an identity. The existence of stereotypes in the media is inevitable, particularly in the field of advertising, entertainment and information. These are the three areas where information needs to be understood quickly by the widest possible audience. Stereotypes are used as codes, common denominator, which is used to define the individuals or groups, usually according to their social class, race or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, occupation or role in society. Stereotypes, however, have problematic aspects; they may mask very different realities in primary simplifications (Luther & Lepre, 2012). This stereotyping by media is a kind of prejudices by the media which affect the individuals and groups, and limit the whole community to particular actions. Media stereotyping is clearly the reflection of inequality and injustice that prevails in every society. The issue of media stereotyping is also prevailing in American Society. In United States, the stereotyping of African-Americans is very common. Understanding the gravity of the issue of stereotyping, this paper is going to discuss stereotyping of African-American by media.

Thesis Statement

Dominant groups possess the means through which they can institutionalize the stereotypic representations of African American through mass media.


It should come as no surprise, then, that when Europeans migrated to the New World and became European Americans, they brought with them certain stereotypical thinking as well as inclinations to stereotype unfamiliar experiences they encountered in their new lives. Early European immigrants were ready to stereotype the New World itself, following centuries of starvation, pestilence, and warfare (Lester, 1996). When the diverse peoples of Europe heard news of a land full of fruits, vegetables, timber, and game, they became anxious to get there (Mikkelson, 1997). They had also been taught to yearn for heaven and their images of an Edenic paradise were very similar to the descriptions they heard about the New World. Another strong stereotype that many early immigrants carried to the New World ...
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