Media Relations

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Media Relations

Media Relations

Media Event

A media event, as loosely defined by evolving modern usage, is an occasion or happening, spontaneous or planned, that attracts prominent coverage by mass media organizations, particularly television news and newspapers in both print and Internet editions(Rogers 2003). The element of immediacy (as in "breaking news") is crucial in spontaneous media events, while in planned events like a major speech by a national leader or a public demonstration against a government action, the prime importance of the subject matter itself is relied upon to elevate the occasion to true media event status. When individuals or groups attempt to generate publicity for themselves through a contrived media event, the occasion almost never captures widespread interest in the way a "naturally" occurring event does—such attempts are usually thought of as instances of "spin" or media manipulation, despite the use of the term "media event" by advertising agencies or other planners(Robbe 2000). A media event is an event staged by an organization to make news and include demonstrations, vigils, and marches. Although media events are planned, they are, unlike press conferences, spontaneous and provide drama and action. Because media events provide photo ops and new angles to a story, journalists prefer them to press conferences. Be aware that journalists will interview people attending the event in the search for a story(Shock Stefanelli 2001). The people interviewed may not provide the message that your group wishes to convey, which might change the focus of the story. Make sure that you do have news when staging an event. The news can include an announcement, a protest or releasing a report. Do not hold an event just to get media attention for your group.

One of the easiest ways for your company to receive free media exposure is through media events. Whether you're teaming up with several sponsors to help the less fortunate or holding a press conference to announce a new product's release, you have to follow certain steps to organize a successful media event.

Chosen Media Event

I would choose press conference.

Press Conference

 A press conference is a bit like a game of Chinese Whispers: the speakers present to the press, who in return deliver the content to their readers. In other words, a press conference is all about presenting to the presenters(Seekings Farrer 1999). An immediate result of this fact is that you need to be prepared to measure the success of a press conference on two levels after the event. The first level is obviously the impact you made on the participants, the journalists. You need to ask questions like 'Did they attend in the first place?', 'Did they like your news?' and 'Did they write what you expected them to write?' The second level is the impact you made on the 'true audience' that the journalists wrote for or broadcasted to. When measuring the results of your press conference on this second level, you need to ask questions like 'Did you create increased awareness for your company or your products?', 'Did the customers change their behaviour towards your ...
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