Comparison about media and education between Kazakhstan and United Kingdom
Comparison about media and education between Kazakhstan and United Kingdom
Education in Kazakhstan and UK
In Kazakhstan, the concept of inclusive education is shown to have scientific and practical sense, both broad and narrow sense of understanding. However, at present, the use of this concept in a real practice of education is linked with the development of ideas to provide children with special educational needs admission to the educational process in general. Comprehensive explanation of inclusive education, although not clearly shown, is reflected in the educational policy of our country (Harcourt, 2006).
Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 (inclusive) across England. This can be provided by public schools, independent schools or home schooling.
About 94 percent of students in England and the rest of the UK, receive free education from public funds, while 6 per cent attend independent fee paying schools or homeschooling.
The education reform was one of the main currents in the country's development strategy in all stages, while Kazakhstan was becoming an independent state. Thus, the long-term strategic development of the country is determined by the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The given program includes several stages:
Stage 1 covers the period 1998-2000. During these years, the presidential program was conducted on the basis of
Stage 2 provides for the implementation of a strategic plan for the country's development until 2010. The proposed strategic plan is considered the tool to regulate social and economic development of Kazakhstan. At the same time, these documents provide for the annual update of the plan for development in view of the events taking place in both the country and the international community. Under these plans, the reform of education, including general secondary education, is being performed.
In England, children usually start primary school at age four or five, but many schools now have one year of shelter for children of four years.
Children usually come to the age of 11 years, moving on to secondary school (high school).
One of the key issues in the reform of general secondary education has been the creation of legislative and regulatory bases, as well as training and methodical providing children with equal access to education. Thus, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees free secondary education for citizens of the Republic.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Education 1999, avouch free secondary education (section 24, paragraph 1), have produced the following levels: - Pre-school education and training; - secondary education; - High school education; - Postgraduate education. Secondary education is compulsory in this document, including general education, primary and vocational training. General secondary education comprises primary (1-4 forms), basic (5-9 forms) and senior (10 to 11 forms) phases. The child's right to receive secondary education is also guaranteed by Article 15, Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the rights of children in the Republic of Kazakhstan", adopted in ...