Marriage Is A Private Affair

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Marriage is a Private Affair


The story presented by Chinua Acheb in Marriage as a private affair revolves around three main characters Nnaemeka, who belongs to Ibo tribe, married a woman from a different tribe, Nene, and Nnaemeka's father, a respectable man of his tribe. He wanted his son to marry his friend's daughter, but things did not go as planned and highlights consequences of Nnaemeta marriage on their lives (Madden 2006, Pp. 249). Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth; this popular phrase has lost its actual meaning, and it is more of a cliché, to me. Marriages may be made in heaven, but they are also destroyed on earth. Marriage is a commitment between two people with different personalities, attributes, attitudes, aptitudes, perceptions, behaviors and a distinctive frame of mind. Commitment shapes itself into a compromise; this compromise is of understanding and giving priorities to one another. If we analyze the human nature it is very obvious that human are bound to change, they are fatigued with the same sort of a routine, events, circumstances and people. Marriage is considered to be a delicate bound in which people are supposed to spend their entire life with someone who could be a complete stranger or an acquaintance. It is widely said that no matter how well two people may know each other before marriage, marriage is always a new start. You may spend some time with a person who you adore or admires but that very person is just not the right choice to spend a lifetime. People make erroneous decisions in choosing their life partners, and end up with broken marriages, shattered marriages and devastated homes. Children are adversely affected with such inconsistency of events and circumstances; they are the ones who have to pay the ultimate price. A child who brought up with the learning of unpredictability in close relation will ultimately become a man practicing these discrepancies. This results in overall societal and social bedlam, and societies experience some of the worst chronic mishaps in the family structure (Perga 1996, Pp. 18).

Love marriages and Divorces

We are experiencing one of the highest rates of divorce, which is over 50 percent in the United States. There has been a significant increase in the rate of divorce over the years. There are a number of factors and elements responsible for this inevitable increase. First we will elaborate the initial marriage structure, marriages are either love associated or arranged. Love marriages are the development of our culture. The concept of falling in love is more of a Hollywood invention. Media fantasize relations and lives and people try to live that fantasy. Here, we cannot ignore the fact that every human, man or women, finds warmth and affection in the opposite sex. This natural feeling was highlighted to the extent of fantasy by the influence of movies and dramas. However, real life is not a 3 hour motion picture, where every event and every circumstance are predefined to ...
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