Marriage Counseling

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Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling


A consultant has always been someone who is familiar with a topic; you can describe your problem and then tells you the possible solutions to the problem: He gives you advice on what to do. Hence the name originally comes marriage counseling. The term marriage counseling suggests the idea that the partner can remain passive in the search for a solution. But this is not the case and thus raises the question whether the term marriage counseling is appropriate. Consultant in the psychological field has long recognized that the giving of advice generally is not successful. Because advice is often assumed or they do not even help much. The person seeking advice, which is important to feel a change, then in marriage counseling is not in good hands (Kottler, 2001).

Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling can be useful in various situations, large and small. Married life is not always easy. After the rush and excitement of the wedding and honeymoon to fade, reality sets. But before you and the person who once meant so much you promised him forever to throw in the towel, you have to give marriage counseling a try. For this reason, it is in marriage counseling has long been used sparingly with advice. Instead, work with typical therapeutic methods: problem solutions will be developed jointly with the person seeking advice in a lengthy process tried and possibly also corrected several times. The methods of marriage counseling today are usually consistently therapeutic methods (Fagan, 2006).

Marriage counseling is a consultation in matters of marriage and partnership. It is used by various agencies of the churches, larger communities offered by social organizations and freelance professionals. Advisory capacity is primarily social workers, psychologists and chaplains. The aim is that in marriage crises are possible both parties involved.

Family Counseling

Family counseling is also called family therapy. It is a branch of psychotherapy which deals with families and couples in intimate relationships to develop and groom the relation. The intention of family counseling is to capture change in terms of the systems of communication among the family members. The relationships are recognized as the important factor in psychological health. Fearing that the term might deter couples therapy couples, many pairs of therapists prefer to use the term marriage counseling. Meanwhile, the image of the couple therapy has changed. Most couples who turn to a therapist is aware that it is a fundamental and well-guided change in their partnership need, they expect more from a couple of therapy as a marriage counselor (Gazda, 2001).

There is different school of thoughts regarding family counseling. One thing is common among all that either the issue is with individual or with family; involving families in the issue are beneficial. The role of the family counselor is very important because he should have the ability to influence individual or groups from his conversations. The approach of family counseling has been used in a variety of human dilemmas. There is no relationship in which the approach of counseling could ...
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