Marriage And Divorce

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Marriage and Divorce


Life adopts different roles and modes. Life has different stages. One of the most important stages of life is marriage. The life of an individual alters in more than one ways when he or she gets marriage. Despite the change that marriage brings to one's life, there are certain changes a married person can cause in the society and society also get affected by changes in the life of a married person.

Thesis Statement

Marriage and divorce cause a great impact on society. This statement can be proved by revealing literature regarding the topic and with the aid of quotes of Bible.

The Concept of Marriage and Divorce

Before, arguing on the thesis statement it is first important to establish the concept of marriage and divorce. Marriage is a legal, economic, domestic, and/or mating relationship. Marriage is defined and practiced in various ways in different parts of the world. Culture, religion, values, economics, and changes through history have affected the way marriage is understood. As marriage has become a political entity, there are diverse beliefs about the utility of marriage. A successful marriage is more than just a contract which binds a man and woman to social and legal rights and obligations to each other. Textbooks define the success of marriage based in the similar factors of commitment, respect, family ties, romance and enthusiasm. Material resources help in sustaining the relationship to some extent. A loving, and enthusiastic relationship is nothing if the basic necessities of life are not fulfilled. Financial security is a significant factor of success here. It does not mean for the spouse to be rich, but the resources should be well enough to satisfy today's needs (Adams, pp. 16).

Divorce can be defined as separation of the two individuals who were involved in a married relationship. A legal separation also requires the signing of documents, a fee, and an agreement about how the dissolution of assets and responsibilities will occur. Responsibilities often include dependents. Therefore, child custody and care giving arrangements are defined legally so that financial compensation in the form of alimony or child support can occur. Decision-making processes about children's needs or medical concerns are frequently defined in the legal separation (Oakley, pp. 100). When there is no legal separation agreement, the primary care givers, usually mothers can be at greater risk for economic and social losses. Legal separations that define financial arrangements ensure that the children's needs are compensated despite the financial and economic dissolution of the household or marriage contract. In some countries, the legal system protects the primary care giver after a separation by instituting garnished wages when the primary economic provider is unwilling to provide financial compensation for childcare costs. Some argue that class differences exist in the dissolution of marriage partnerships as the separation of assets is more complex when there are more assets to negotiate and separate (Nye, pp. 67).

Marriage and Divorce and the Role of Society

The dissolution and effects of ending the marriage contract have an impact for the many people ...
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