Marks & Spencers

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How Marks & Spencer's can improve on their recruitment structure to attract top quality staff?

How Marks & Spencer's can improve on their recruitment structure to attract top quality staff?

Chapter1: Introduction


M&S or formerly known as Marks & Spencer Plc is retailer based in united kingdom which has more than 700 locations across thirty four countries where the group sells almost everything from clothing to foods under the name and trademark of St. Michael in another 300 stores in the United Kingdom. Almost 50% of group's overseas stores are franchised to local partners. The group also owns the clothing retailer under the name of Brooks Brothers and the Kings Super Markets chain in the USA. Direct mail helps the company meet their core objective of providing customers with wider, easier access to their products and also the company provides financial services which comprise of operations of the groups and also provide account cards, personal loans, unit trust management, life assurance and pensions to the people.

Research objectives

The first objective of this research is to analysing Marks and Spencer's overall approach to employee resourcing.

What are the Marks and Spencer's approach to human resource planning, its recruitment and selection methods?

What are the performance management practices and issues that can improve their recruitment structure to attract top quality staff?

Does the adoption and implementation of information Technology at M & S provide a competitive and strategic advantage?

Research questions

How marks and Spencer's can improve on their recruitment structure to attract top quality staff?

Chapter 2: Literature review

IT and Human Resource Management (HRM) are becoming the most important elements that companies are using as a strategic tool to compete in this global competitive environment. To take advantage of this union human resource information system (HRIS) has been identified as the tool for HR practitioners to reduce workload and gain competitive advantage over rivals. Moreover, HRIS is a system that makes it possible to acquire, store, handle, analyse, extract, and distribute relevant information for the human resources of an organisation. He reported that it is a system, which includes data, people, structures, policies and procedures. Moreover, as it is a system dedicated to a variety of potential users, the uses of information must be to facilitate or support the strategic, tactical, and operation of an organisation.

The study confirmed that when HRIS is improved this will lead to effective recruitment and selection process. This was consistent with that when IT is adopted for recruitment it will lead to effective recruitment process, wider accessibility and cost saving. The use of IT especially the internet in recruitment is currently attracting more attention. Moreover recruitment, selection, interview and employment are the traditional HR functions that are changing at a faster rate.

The HRIS identified at M&S for recruitment were the company's website and the use of telephone. The company's job vacancies are advertised on the company's website, sometimes in other print media where applicants can view detailed job description, job specification, information about the organisation and apply ...
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