Marketing The Self: Highs And Low In The Age Of Celebrity

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Marketing the Self: Highs and Low in the Age of Celebrity

Marketing the Self: Highs and Low in the Age of Celebrity


The term marketing implies the single goal of profit. It is categorized into two, direct marketing and indirect marketing and there is a significant line of distinction between the two. Direct marketing is basically business from manufacturer to consumer without the engagement of middlemen, who it is. This is generally finished by mailing the consumer or contacting him exactly, so he can understand about the products. The use of media advertisements is very restricted and whatever little use is made includes only the demonstration of their products with call back numbers.(Kevin, 2009, 54)

I considered the number one direct of using celebrities to encourage your brand is to ensure that there is synergy between the values of brand and celebrity alike, as well as similarities in the personality of both.(Stolzfus,, 2008, 21)

Attractiveness of the celebrity: This standard states that an attractive endorser will have a positive impact on the endorsement. The endorser should be attractive to the target audience in certain aspects like physical appearance, intellectual capabilities, athletic competence, and lifestyle. It has been verified that an endorser that appears attractive as characterised above has a grater chance of enhancing the recollection of the brand that he/she endorses.

Credibility of the celebrity: This standard states that for any brand-celebrity collaboration to be successful, the personal integrity of the celebrity is crucial. Credibility is characterised here as the celebrities' seen expertise and trustworthiness. As celebrity endorsements act as an external cue that enable consumers to sift through the tremendous brand clutter in the market, the integrity factor of the celebrity greatly influences the acceptance with consumers.

Meaning transfer between the celebrity and the brand: This standard ...