Marketing Strategy

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Culture and International Marketing Strategy

Culture and International Marketing Strategy


The culture of any area is an important consideration for the formulation and development of the strategies. It is important for the companies to take into account the cultural aspects of the regions it is operating in while formulating and developing its marketing strategies. The paper is based on the impact of culture on the formulation and development of the marketing strategies of the company operating in certain area or region.


The business of international business is culture is the statement of the research paper that has to be critically evaluated. The main aim of the international business is culture and the development of the business strategy of the international business is based on the cultural differences exists in the countries. The formulation and development of an international marketing strategy is based on the existence of various cultures (Aaker, 1997, pp. 315).

The McDonalds is a famous company that has been formulating its strategies according to the cultural aspects of certain area it is operating in. The formulation and development of strategies of the McDonalds is based on the cultural facts of the countries it has been operating in. The company has been making its strategy according to the tastes and traditions of the certain area like the outlets of McDonalds that are operating in the Asian countries have adopted different strategies for marketing its products. The way McDonalds formulate its strategies for the Asian countries is different from the European and American countries. The business strategies of McDonalds for the Asian countries is formulated after taking into account the local marketing strategies of the companies. For example in Asian countries,people of teen age are more inclined towards the fast food companies as compare to the middle or old age people. Therefore, it is important for the company to formulate its strategies accordingly with respect to the certain conditions going on in the market. Similarly, the marketing strategy adopted for advertising the food products of the McDonalds should be focused on the youth rather than people of all the ages. The development of strategy should also be made after taking into account the political conditions of the respective region in which the company is operating in (Aaker, 2001, pp. 561).

Range of human needs and desires come primarily needs natural such as food, clothing and second-class comes desires economic a diverse and limitless, and in order to satisfy these human desires should be to consume goods and services and stop the way full of these human desires on the culture, which also define his style of life. If culture is part of the ocean and the man who is man-made, the result of his knowledge, and beliefs, and his art and ethics, laws, traditions and values. And culture destination in the field of international marketing is a way of life for a group of people that differentiate them from other groups (Aaker, 2000, ...
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