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Wal Mart Marketing Strategy

Wal Mart Marketing Strategy


It is difficult for Wal-Mart to create a trendy counter culture image, and to sell its merchandise to Urban Outfitters. It is because of the image the company has and its overall marketing strategy. It is very difficult to sell its good to urban outfitters.

Wal-Mart emerged as a hard discounter, a retailer whose main goal is to offer the best prices on anything that is marketable to a large area. The company has always opted for low prices. And the truth is that we have achieved and continue to grow at high rates. It perfectly fulfills what is called cost and differentiation; however, there are many questions about its future performance. It is important to analyze the questions raised about Wal Mart how it could be countered.

People have complained about poor service in Virginia. When I asked my friend about the service of Wal Mart, his response was "What do you expect? At those prices, you cannot ask for better service! "Well do you want to tell you, yes I expect better service, and in fact, I have never bought there. This is the reason why it would be difficult for the company to sell its merchandise to urban outfitter (Walker, 2006). This illustrates the first point to consider, what is the level of service required to pro the target group you are heading? Some groups accept a nominal service in exchange for a great price, but many do not. Wal-Mart can continue to grow as it has an ultra-sensitive market segment and insensitive to price the service, unless you change your service strategy. The second point has to do with what I call Branding Irrational. Within the Irrational enter all those emotional values ??associated with the brand and can be repulser ...
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