Marketing Strategy

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The Concepts of the Implementation Process and Internal Marketing in Formulating and Influencing Marketing Strategy

The Concepts of the Implementation Process and Internal Marketing in Formulating and Influencing Marketing Strategy


Marketing functions involve control of the market in order to implement the exchange to meet the needs and requests of the person. Or, in other words, marketing is the process by which individuals and groups of individuals receive necessary and desired by creating goods and consumer values ??and sharing with each other.

Marketing provides baseline data for development of the strategic plan, helping to identify attractive market opportunities and allowing assessing the potential of the firm. Finally, within each business unit marketing helps develop strategies to perform tasks (Wright, 2005, pp.101-9). The marketing function is a complex of dominating principles, specific marketing objectives for a long period and the relevant decisions on the selection and aggregation of resources (tools) organisation and implementation of market-oriented for the purpose of business activity. The marketing strategy consists of the basic decisions that determine a set of marketing tools including the formation and adaptation (updating) the range of goods and services, pricing, communication and distribution (marketing, sales). Selecting a marketing strategy defined by the position, potential and traditions of the institution (firm, organisation) on the market, specific product market conditions.  (Westney, 2007, pp.17-31)

Of considerable interest is the experience of Western companies to develop marketing strategies. In this regard, this thesis work is particularly relevant because it dealt with the process of developing a marketing strategy for a foreign company.

The purpose of the work is to develop a marketing strategy in the Great Britain context. The subject of analysis in favour of marketing management process, which includes the process of analysing market opportunities, selecting target markets, developing marketing mix and implementation of marketing activities.  (Graetz, 2002, pp.456-62)

The development and implementation of the strategy requires a procedure more or less flexible and explicit, to be followed. The consideration of the strategic process assumes the existence of a series of stages or phases in the development of business strategy. From this perspective, strategic management can be defined as a continuous, iterative and cross-oriented to get the company to adapt to the environment in which it is located. 

It is an ongoing process ever since the company terminates its strategic work. This feature differentiates the strategic direction of strategic planning, since the latter usually assumed the existence of a planning cycle. 

It is also an iterative process. Although there is a sequence of steps, it will repeat and the process moves forward and backward from one stage to another as needed in development. 

Finally, the process is cross-functional to the extent that covers the entire organisation. Represents a collective effort should involve all departments and employees of the company. 

Usually thought to strategic management process can be divided into four stages or phases: strategic analysis, choice of strategy, deployment or implementation and monitoring / evaluation of the strategy.

Strategic decisions are characterized by great uncertainty, which derives from the multitude of variables that must be taken into ...
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