Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy

Cell phone industry - Apple Inc

Business relations

It is a relationship of equal partners. Communication barriers do not take place. There is always a sense of security: each of them feels that the partner can not pose a threat. Partners try to help each other. It is a formal approach to understand, define and support inter-business activities related to provision and consumption of knowledge and services via networks. It emphasizes on the introduction of online networks as a primary medium through which business relationships can be conducted. It is somehow related to the concepts of Enterprise relationship management and customer relationship management (Alpar, 1991, 55).

Strategic marketing

Marketing strategy is a process of study and reflection where goal is to match supply and demand. This falls within the corporate strategy. This is a work that aims to increase turnover, market shares and customers by continuously differentiating, motivation or adjustment of supply solvent thereby increasing economies of scale. Marketing strategy component ensures among other key business functions quality management, logistics, management information systems, human resources management the feasibility of supply. Strategic marketing is part of the communication strategy of a company that influences the other strategies dramatically. It is a process seeking to meet the needs and desires of current and future customers. It identifies different groups of potential buyers in their tastes and preferences and market segments. It assesses the potential and interest of those segments and taking into account the competitive advantages of the company and it directs towards market opportunities, developing a marketing plan. The main objectives of the marketing strategy usually are: an increase in sales, increase profits, increase market share, leadership in its segment. Goals should be consistent with company mission and strategic goals of the business (Alpar, 1991, 55).

The companies operating in a highly competitive market require continuous analysis of the different variables of the SWOT analysis. The companies according to their resources and capabilities formulate the appropriate marketing strategies to help them adapt to their environment, and gain competitive advantage. The role of strategic marketing is to focus the company on the attractive economic opportunities, opportunities about its resources and know-how, providing the potential for growth and profitability (Alpar, 1991, 55).

Marketing strategy is the design and implementation of various marketing activities that are subject to the attainment of business (firm, organization, business structure) purpose. The marketing strategy is an integral part of overall company strategy as it defines the main areas of interest in the market for consumers and competitors. The marketing strategy of a company depends on its existing position in the market, assessing the prospects for market changes, marketing mix and future actions of competitors, as well as the objectives and existing resource constraint (Ayal Igal and Zif, 1979, 84).

Target Market

It is necessary to determine your target market and understand them better (their preferences, dislikes, demands etc) as then only the marketing strategy can be successful. Analyzing the consumer behaviour is extremely valuable, especially when decision has to be taken on a type ...
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