Marketing Research

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Table of Contents

Organization Brief1

Research Proposal3


Tesco's Vision and Strategy3

The mission4


Rationale for the research5

Research objectives6

Perception of value7

Competitive pricing8

Likelihood of customers' reaction to a raise in pricing9

Preferred payment methods11

Research approach and method12

Research methodology12

Research approach12

Profile of sample subjects13

Sampling size13

Sampling technique13

Implementing the sampling procedure14

Data Analysis15

Discussion guide16

Gantt Chart Schedule19

Moderator's guideline19

Recommendations for Recruitment20

Recruitment levels20

Payment Reward for their time20

Information needs of the focus group discussion20

Recommendations for moderating the group21


Database and Ethics23


Application of database23

Benefits of database24

Ethical issues with database25

Tasks involved in establishing a customer database25

Alternative ways for segmentation of database26

Market research Gantt Chart27



Organization Brief

Tesco, the brain child of Jack Cohen came into existence in the year 1919. Tesco is involved in grocery and general merchandising retailing. In terms of revenue, Tesco ranks as the third largest retailer in the world. The very first store of Tesco started its operation back in 1929. It is a public limited company and is listed in the London Stock Exchange. It also makes an important component of FTSE 100 Index. Over the years, Tesco has diversified its area of retailing and today covers everything from clothing to finance to telecom and music download to electronics and furniture as well as retailing of books. Its headquarters is in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. Tesco diversifies into every possible geographical location where it could operate profitably. Today, it employs around 440,000 people for more than 3700 stores spread across the globe. Besides the UK, it has stores in U.S, South Korea, Turkey, Poland, China, Thailand, India, Japan, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, and in Slovakia.

Palmer (2005) says today, Tesco has a very strong brand value. It is the value of the brand Tesco that enables it to gain competitive advantage over others. Tesco has maintained its brand value by providing customers to indulge in some exceptional shopping experience. Moreover, Tesco has maintained its name in retaining customer satisfaction by providing affordable products. Affordability and an outclass shopping experience are the unique selling propositions for Tesco. It is because of this reason that Tesco claims every little helps.

Martinell (2003) states is its subsidiary that provides online services. The company has four banners in the UK called Superstore, Express, Extra and Metro. The company offers three levels of quality for its own labelled brands that is value, normal and finest and generates 50% of its revenues from there.

Research Proposal


Jack Cohen the founder of Tesco opened the very first Tesco store in Edgware, London. According to Tipples (2002), the UK's giant retailer of today is based on the strategy devised by Cohen "Piling it high, selling it cheap”. Despite the fact that this strategy assisted Tesco in attracting a great amount of consumers, it also assisted Tesco in branding itself as a store for average class consumers. Moreover, it earned an image as a low-end store. Furthermore, Tesco had small and poorly equipped stores, as well. The only competitive edge Tesco has enjoyed over the years has been the price. In the past, the products that were available at the store seemed to be of ...
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