Marketing Reflective Report

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Marketing Reflective Report


Purchase decision model is a five step process consumer pass through when making a selection on which services or goods to buy. Consumer behaviour is defined as individual, group, and organizational decisions as well as activities affected by intra and interpersonal variables that are involved in evaluating, acquiring, using and disposing of products, services, experiences, or ideas and the impact these processes have on consumer and society (Sandhusen 2000, p. 559-561). I recently went to buy a laptop, to replace my out dated laptop. For this, I had to go through a lengthy decision process, before finally I decided to latest laptop. In this paper, I will discuss the market segmentation that Sony Vaio undertook to capture the market. The branding will also be discussed in detail.

Consumer Buyer Behaviour

Problem recognition

Problem recognition is a situation that occurs between current and desired state of consumer. The imbalance in the current state is triggered by an internal or external stimulus. Recognition of unfulfilled want can also be triggered when a consumer is not satisfied with current product, run out product, or emergence of superior alternative (Kotler 2009, p. 159-162). My laptop got outdated and was very slow. I wanted to work on software on projects that I got, but this software were too heavy to run on my laptop, as its specifications were outdated, as well. I am a gaming person, and I like to play high quality graphics game on my laptop. Due to the outdated model of my laptop, those games would not run on my laptop. Therefore, I decided to buy a new laptop, with higher specifications (Kotler 2009, 159).

Information search

The next phase in the consumer purchase decision process is search for information. For information searching, I browsed through internet and went through different websites and got all the details of the latest technology and specifications that have come in the latest laptops. I also enquired through my friends who recently bought a new laptop and asked for their opinion, as well (Porter 2007, 60).

Evaluation of alternatives

The next phase in the consumer purchase decision process is the evaluation of alternatives. During this phase of decision making, consumer analyzes all objective and intuitive attribute of available products (Kotler 2009, p. 159-162). After analyzing all the information, I selected three laptops: Acer (Extensa 5620), Lenovo (Thinkpad W701ds) and Sony Vaio (VGN AR660U). I evaluated these brands and their models thoroughly. I went through their specifications. For example, Acer Extensa holds an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, while Lenovo has an Intel Core i7-720QM Processor, and Sony Vaio AR has super-powerful Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7500. If we evaluate these specifications, Sony Vaio has the most powerful processor. Plus, it has 2GB SDRAM, with a graphic card that comes with it, and an integrated wifi (Chandler 2008, 15).

Purchase decision

This is the phase where consumers make a final decision on whether, where and when to buy a product or ...
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