Marketing Products

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Marketing Products

Marketing Products


This paper will have a discussion on the marketing of the products and services of Brandon Carlos Company, which is a new entrant in the market of SUV dealership in the United States. The paper will discuss the type of product the company is about to offer to the customers and also it will identify the primary characteristics of those products. The paper will also discuss the service component of the product and how it will be used to enhance the product. Moreover, it will explain how the product could be expanded to a product line, and the depth and breadth of the line; and also, it will determine the change in the core business in response to industry or market changes.

The company wants to set an example of advanced modes of trading in car dealership in the market of the United States, where the competition in the automobile industry is intense. The Brandon Carlos Company also wants to deliver best automobile services and products to the customers. For achieving this goal, the company has to launch its products with new SUV models of Ford Company in the United States. The company will initially deal in trading of SUVs only, which are manufactured by the Ford Company.

The Type of Product the Company Will Offer and Its Primary Characteristics

The company will particularly deal with the SUVs products in the automobile industry of the United States. The product will be offered through dealership platform of the company. A special attention has been given to the sporty features of the products to specifically target the young generation of the country. The target market segment is young generation of the country as they are the ones who are fond of sporty products and hence, they are the potential customers for the company. So far, there is no such product offered in the market which targets the young adults and youth at the same time due to unique selling proposition of the company. Hence, the company will have the competitive edge through this particular characteristic of the product.

The Service Component of the Product and Its Use to Enhance the Product

The service of the company which it is going to offer to the customers is specifically the post purchase service. For this purpose, the company will hire skilled personnel or will train the existing employees of the organization. It will also adopt the advanced approach to the business of automobile dealership, while using the latest technology to access potential consumer audience. The company will also plan to launch greener and environment friendly vehicles, and will associate its services with one of the global giant manufacturers of automobile, i.e., Ford Motors which is a renowned organization of the industry (Train, 2007).

Explain how the product could be expanded to a product line, and the depth and breadth of the line

The company can expand its product line by offering some more similar products to the customers, or it may also offer them with the value added ...
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