Marketing Plan

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Marketing plan for THE BOUNDARY HOTEL

Marketing plan for The BOUNDARY HOTEL


 Our business idea is traditional UK BOUNDARY HOTEL which will be situated in Baker Street. It will represent genuine UK cuisine and atmosphere in the uniquely decorated time-honoured surroundings and accompanied by pleasant employees.




“To provide a place where people can enjoy the genuine UK atmosphere, traditions and customs, while getting pleasure from traditional UK food and entertainment in the heart of England.”



Accordingly to the market research we found out that: theme hotels are of a growing interest as well as ethnic hotels.   Therefore we can conclude that there is a growing demand for our type of hotels.

Marketing Plan


The marketing portion of a marketing plan addresses how we will get people to visit BOUNDARY HOTEL restaurant to try our service in sufficient quantities to make your business profitable. It consists of:

Market analysis, which we have done earlier and which  assesses the market environment in which we compete, identifies our competitors and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses, and identifies and quantifies BOUNDARY HOTEL target market;

BOUNDARY HOTEL marketing strategy, which explains how we will differentiate our business from our competitors' businesses and what approach we will take to get customers to buy from us;

BOUNDARY HOTEL marketing and sales plans, which specify the nature and timing of promotional and other advertising activities that will support specific sales targets.


First of all, to start with we have to identify our mission statement, which will guide our employees, investors and customers to the same vision of the business.


Mission Statement

“To provide a place where people can enjoy the genuine UK atmosphere, traditions and customs, while getting pleasure from traditional UK food and entertainment in the heart of England.”


SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of identifying BOUNDARY HOTEL Strengths and Weaknesses, and of examining the Opportunities and Threats we face. Carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework will help us to focus BOUNDARY HOTEL activities into areas we are strong, and where the greatest opportunities lie.


Geographic location: opportunity to market a lifestyle

Access to variety of customers

Provided Entertainment

Uniqueness (UK Theme)

Friendly staff

Quality of food and services for suitable price



Too narrow service line

Weak market image

No parking space

Lack of space (space is expensive)



Target different consumer groups

Create customer loyalty

Expand to night club or karaoke

Market growth



New competitors coming in

Expansion of existing ethnic hotels



Government policies such as taxes, alcohol and entertainment licence

Health and Safety legislation will effect work practices and product costs



Economical factors will influence the future potential profit of BOUNDARY HOTEL business. The level of consumer demand is a key variable affecting the quantity of sales and the price of BOUNDARY HOTEL services and food. Interest rates will determine the cost of finance to the restaurant. Final profits will be taxed by the government. The economic cycle of recession and recovery is an important influence on the opportunities and threats to the organisation.



Consumers reflect changes in lifestyle over time. This means business must observe shifts in the characteristics and habits ...
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