Marketing Paper

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Marketing Paper

Question #2—Professional Application

Question #2—Professional Application

Professional Appraisal

This paper would focus on the study of the professional application of different theories, related to real life situations, social, cultural, and ethical issues. The study would discuss different theories in this regard, which would include the study of the socio cultural theories, Organization theories and theories of organizational ethics.

In consideration of the socio cultural theories, it can be said that ultimately the role of culture in human development is very important because of what is inside it. Humans, at birth, have elementary mental functions and then undergo changes due to different cultures, which is why, if we have two children, one of the West and another from the east, it will be possible to observe that present different forms of learning that the lead to develop higher mental functions. Speaking of cultures, therefore, we refer them to a variety of differences between them and so the development of intelligence is not the same product in every way (Baert, Patrick, et al, 2010). From this, it can be said that no set of cognitive abilities is necessarily more advanced than another, instead, represent alternative forms of reasoning, or adaptive tools that has evolved because they allow children to adapt with success to the values and cultural traditions.

In consideration of the organizational theories, it can be said that these theories have the purpose of organizations - to explain and understand - their origin, their existence and functioning. There are a variety of organizational theories as organizations are highly complex and the subject matter of organization theory is very broad. All approaches are their business premises - the organizations and their objectives - the same, while they investigate certain aspects of each (Baert, Patrick, et al, 2010).

Furthermore, in consideration of the theories of organizational ethics, it can be said that, since the mid-1980s in different countries a growing awareness of business ethics issues can be observed. Corruption scandals, exorbitant executive salaries at the same time mass layoffs, shareholder value management, accounting and environmental scandals, poor working conditions in third world countries are some issues that have led the public to a critical discussion about the social responsibility of business. Meanwhile, both the theoretical and the practical side, a strong interest in the clarification of normative foundations socially responsible business practices can be stated. There are an increasing number of publications and conferences, establishment of institutions, departments, research projects, courses, scientific journals, etc. In management practice, an increased interest and efforts are made at integration: current issues such as corporate social responsibility, corporate good governance, corporate citizenship, sustainability management, Global Compact, ethical investment is just some examples. The economic and business ethics is an interface of science, which mediates between the two central science of economics and ethics (Baert, Patrick, et al, 2010).

Social Origins of the first cognitive skills

Young children are curious explorers actively involved learning and discovery of new principles. Researchers have given less weight to self-initiated discovery because it emphasized the importance of social contributions ...
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