Marketing Decision Making

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Marketing Decision Making

Analysis for Marketing Decision

PART 1: General Research

The best marketing strategy in the world will fail if company cannot send in the direction of your potential customers the right message to the right place at the right time. The integrated marketing communications appears as an effective way to boost communication activities. The reason for this is that no matter if the products or services are not known to your customers, company can never make sales. This concept which combines the entire ways and means of communication into a single set of advertising, PR, personal selling, sales promotion, channels internet marketing, complex direct marketing.

Global marketing was the first and foremost characterized by dramatic changes in communication strategy. Competition forces companies to spend the effort not only to create fundamentally new and unique products, but also to create unique technology advancement. Furthermore, activated search and cost effective ways to communicate with consumers without jeopardized the very existence and success of the company. Terms of successful communication strategies are knowledge of the consumer, openness, communication initiative of the company.


Advertising is a form of communication whose purpose is to fix the attention of a target consumer, user, etc. To induce the desired behavior: buying a product, an election political figure, encouraging energy conservation, etc (Anderson, 2002).

The benefits:

The ad sends important messages regarding environmental protection, road safety, warns against drugs, diseases such as cancer or AIDS. It is not limited to consumer goods or services; it can also promote men or women, boasting a tourist, a government organization as well as sporting or cultural events. The advertisement may relate to changes in behavior or the promotion of values ??considered as positive and beneficial to the company level. Advertising is almost always useful to the merchant because it allows them to sell more, and it attracts customers.

The disadvantages:

The price of TV commercials is very high, people tend to zap commercials or during less attention (they get up off their couch), they are not very creative. It seeks by all possible means to attract the favorable attention of the prospective buyer of a product, to awaken the desire to get it to turn it into craving and especially the development of trust. The consumer buys the product for which there is advertising, this operation increases the purchasing power of consumers and pushes him to the expense. The television ads are brainwashing, consumers will have to over-consume and buy products that are not within their means.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is used extensively in recent years and aimed at getting an immediate response from potential customers and establish long-term friendly relations between companies and consumers. Sometimes, in order to sell their products, marketers are forgetting about the ethics and resort to various kinds of abuses, ranging from annoying customer's invasion of privacy, and ending unfair trade practices or even brazen deception, fraud.

Excessive activity of direct marketing is sometimes not only impressed, but also insults the buyer. Most of us do not like it, if ...
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