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Marketing Communication Plan for Apple Inc.

Table of contents




Present market status5

Market analysis of Apple6

SWOT Analysis6





Marketing communication plan9

Marketing objectives10

Target Marketing11

Positioning and message development:13

Methods and medium of targeting and positioning:14


Sales promotion and Public relations17

Direct marketing18

Media plan for TV18



Marketing Communication Plan for Apple Inc


Apple Inc. that was formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc is one of the leading firm that are known to sell technology products, computers, electronic products and other soft wares for these products. There are many product that have became the trademark for the organization including iPad, iPhone, Mackintosh, iPod etc, further, their main streamline of software include the OS X and iOS operating system together with iTunes. These products have become the identity for the organization. The innovative processes and ground-breaking idea has lead to the development of the organization. After Nokia and Samsung, Apple is the third largest manufacturer of mobile phone. The younger generation is more convinced to the innovation of the ideas and developing the technology in a nutshell. It has been found that Apple is one of the most admired companies in USA as reported by Fortune (2008), one of the most reputable magazines of America but there has been huge criticism on the organization for its contractors' labour practices and it s own business practices.


Apple has always known for its unique communication strategies and plans in order to comply with the communication process and methods. This is the reason the consumer retention and the brand loyalty has been outstanding since past many years. These strategies have always incorporated the major marketing area and planning of all the channels giving rise to communication processes. Harris and de Chernatony (2001) and de Chernatony (1999) say that brand identity is made up of the following components: brand vision, brand culture, relationships, presentations, positioning, and personality. Apple has always placed importance to product development and marketing. These strategies have incorporated advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, personal selling. The market communication has incorporated budgeting, implementation, targeting, objective setting and then further implementation of these methods. Successful communication is when the consumer understands the brand's culture and vision in a way that the consumption experience is congruent to the purchase experience. This can be achieved by the process of situational analysis and further evaluation, management and control. There are many channels that are utilized for the communication of marketing when specially considering the Apple as an organization. In order to develop an understanding of communication plan and strategy, it is important to develop an understanding through the situational analysis. This chapter comprises of following main ideas:

1.SWOT Analysis

2.Marketing Objectives

3.Marketing Strategy including targeting and positioning

4.Methods and medium of targeting and positioning:

5.Sales promotion and Public relations marketing


8.Control and Implementation


The past of is simple as it not an old organization. It was established by Ronald Wayne, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April, 1976. The basic intention was to sell the kit known as Apple1, that was sold as the ...
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