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International Marketing Report of Starbucks

International Marketing Report of Starbucks


The companies in today's competitive world are facing various challenges related matured markets, cutthroat competition and rivalry, consumers ever increasing needs and to sustain in a country while combating the macro economic variables such as political, legal, social and technological (Hofstede, 1991). These conditions have thus made essential for the companies to expand in the international frontiers by exploiting the market conditions prevailing there. International marketing strategy is defined as, “an opportunity of arranging company's products, technology, human resources, management and other resources to enter into a foreign country” (Chen & Mujtaba, 2007, pp.322). International market strategies help companies analyze and exploit the market opportunities by setting their goals, resources and policies accordingly to channelize their international activities toward successful international market entry.

It is generally considered that maintenance of the success of the business totally depends on a company's strategies to operate it and strategies to identify and exploit the various opportunists that modern market conditions are throwing to them. Only the successful strategies of business will decide the success or failure of an organization in an international market. The main objective of this research report is to select a country and expanding the market of company and product in that country (Bitc, 2008). The findings of this research report will enable to examine how an organization can expand its business operation in international market with the aid of its effective and efficient strategies in developed country like United Kingdom (Caterersearch, 2006).

Selected Organization

The core objective of this research report is to perform the analysis of an organization and to determine in how it can implement one of its outlets in Greece. The selected organization for performing this analysis is Starbucks. Starbucks have been chosen because various studies found that Starbucks uses different market entry modes in international markets (Blomstermo, Sharma & Sallis, 2006, pp.211). The choice of modes is essential to internationalize because it will determine the company's potential to exploit the international market. Therefore, it would be interesting case to investigate and determine the possible environmental factors which impact the Starbucks entry mode strategy. This will enable Starbucks to understand the choices of Starbucks' entry modes that are dependent on particular environmental factors enumerated by entry mode theories. According to the (2008), the company currently uses three modes of entry into international markets that include joint ventures, licensing and wholly-owned subsidiaries.

About Starbucks

Starbucks in the largest coffee house in the coffee retail business all over the globe. Starbucks owns around 9000 coffee shops in more than 50 countries. The figure shows the global presence of the Starbucks in almost all continents of the globe.

The philosophy of the company is to maintain the highest standard of quality for their customers and highest standard of safety for their employees to achieve the success. The company is established in year 1971 however its official operations started in year 1990 in U.S. The company's core success story can be derived from a ...
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