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Marketing (Procter & Gamble)

Marketing (Procter & Gamble)


No company in the world has invested so much in consumer insights and market research as P & G. They interact with over 5,000,000 consumers annually in nearly 100 countries around the world, performing over 20,000 studies per year. They invest more than AED 400 million in it. Only in UAE listen to over 200,000 consumers per year to anticipate customer's needs and respond with brands that improve their live (Steinberg, 2008, 55)s. These results guide and inspire P&G's innovation process and how we communicate with their consumers. P & G is the innovation leader in the industry. Virtually all net sales growth they have achieved in the last 9 years brand new and better product innovations. Continuously strengthen our capacity for innovation through a global network of strategic partnerships with external partners.

More than half of all innovations in P & G contain at least one key element of these partners. The purpose of this paper is to conduct market research to evaluate marketing opportunities for new product for conducting market research we have developed a sampling plan and questionnaire. To get better in this context, we chose to use this work for one of the leading companies in this market of over 170 years is that Porter & Gamble (P & G). Initially, we will present the company P & G. Then we will focus on the segment of the market for consumption of the various studies and finally marketing (Jay, 2009, 121).


The product this company is going to launch is new Aftershave. This aftershave contains Aloe Vera. It has wonderful properties like Soothes irritations, and also has an astringent effect, closing small wounds and pores. If you have the plant is much more effective, but otherwise if you give a concentrated gel also the effects are also quite good.

Marketing Mix

Evaluating opportunities in contrast involves, combines standardization and customization while maximising satisfaction and minimising costs. The 7Ps or extended marketing mix was reviewed as part of the process of developing achievable marketing strategies and positioning P&G's products:


More than 300 P&G brands are sold in over 180 countries around the world. Products have been divided into GBUs to understand market needs better as a part of global localisation. P&G has also adapted most its products based on its geographical units. For example, Always is adapted to the individual markets to meet customer needs (Jay, 2009, 125). Within these geographical units however, P&G mostly uses standardised products, for example Always in UAE, Nigeria and Ghana (Africa) are the standardised.


P&G's GBUs adapt prices to geographical units and countries in which it products compete. Prices vary from country to country and are based on the competitive factors, market variables and the environment products are to be sold in.


P&G divides its operations, products and markets across five geographical units, Northern America, Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin America and Asia (Steinberg, 2008, 60). It sells its products through intermediaries including distributors, ...
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