Market Research - Gold Class Movie Offerings Event Cinemas, Australia

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Market Research - Gold Class Movie Offerings Event Cinemas, Australia

Market Research - Gold Class Movie Offerings Event Cinemas, Australia

The purpose of conducting market research is to analyse the satisfaction of customers with the offers of Gold Class movie offerings for Event Cinemas, Australia. The offerings of Gold Class include the mix of movies, refreshment services, ambiance, high quality video and sound, and online services. There are different research methodologies that can be used in order to identify the satisfaction of customers including observation method, questionnaire, face to face interviews, and online surveys.

One of the methods that have been provided includes observing every fourth visitor visiting the cinema. Under this method, the marketing manager would be responsible for direct observation of customers. The behaviour and attitude of customers with the offerings of cinema will be recorded and analysed later to evaluate the level of satisfaction. The observation method can provide the marketing manager with several benefits. During observation, the researcher will be able to observe and analyse the behaviour of customers in a direct and natural way (Allen et al, 2007, pp. 110). In other methods such as questionnaire or interviews, customers or participants often attempt to demonstrate and present their ideal selves (Miller & Washington, 2013, pp. 149). However, in the observation method, the researcher gets an opportunity to observe true actions of participants. Observational research is conducted in natural settings and researchers are able to record the behaviour of participants in the exact manner as observed. Observation research also allows researchers to modify results if required. For instance, in the case of Gold Class cinemas, if the researcher is unable to spot and observe the behaviour of participants from one location, it is possible to change location.

However, the method is likely to be more time consuming than other methods. The direct observation as well as recording of observation will be a challenge. The purpose of this marketing research is to evaluate the satisfaction level of customers. In order to fully understand the degree to which customers are satisfied, it is important to know about their perceptions. In this scenario, different customers must have different perceptions and beliefs about the services offered by cinema. Sometimes, customers are satisfied with certain aspects of a service but dissatisfied with the others. In the scenario of Gold Class Cinema, customers might be satisfied with the ambiance of cinema and quality of sound and video but dissatisfied with the refreshment services. The observation method, therefore, might not be able to record every aspect of customer experience.

Customers visit cinemas and similar facilities for different purposes including watching movies, going out with friends for refreshment, and to enjoy the ambiance. When observing and recording the experiences of customers in order to evaluate their level of satisfaction, it is important to identify their purpose for visiting Gold Class cinemas. Although, observation method will allow the marketing manager to observe the behaviour of customers in a direct manner and read and understand their expressions, it might ...
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